DECODE GLOBAL Wins Multiple Top Broker Awards in BrokersView May 2024 Evaluation

DECODE GLOBAL Wins Multiple Top Broker Awards in BrokersView May 2024 Evaluation

[Singapore, June 11, 2024] — In the latest live trading evaluation released by BrokersView in May 2024, DECODE GLOBAL secured the top spots in the composite rankings in Singapore and Dubai, demonstrating its leading position in the global forex market.

Notizia 2024-06-11 18:16
【MACRO Alert】Expectations of fluctuations before the release of CPI data, consumer surveys reveal optimistic sentiment!

【MACRO Alert】Expectations of fluctuations before the release of CPI data, consumer surveys reveal optimistic sentiment!

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York's May consumer survey reveals that American households' optimism about the stock market has reached a three-year high, with the probability of stock prices rising in the next year expected to be 40.5%.

Notizia 2024-06-11 17:46
FP Markets Reduces Spreads Across Key Asset Classes

FP Markets Reduces Spreads Across Key Asset Classes

In response to increasing investor demand for more cost-effective trading solutions, FP Markets, a global multi-asset Forex and CFD broker, has further reduced its spreads across various trading instruments.

Notizia 2024-06-11 16:31
Surge in Foreign Interest in Chinese Investments: EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd CEO David Barrett Shares Insights

Surge in Foreign Interest in Chinese Investments: EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd CEO David Barrett Shares Insights

EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd CEO David Barrett explores factors driving major investors to Chinese markets, offering his outlook on future growth.

Notizia 2024-06-11 16:11
EBC Financial Group and Elite Trader Club Enhance Mosque Facilities and Help 75 Orphans through CSR in Banten, Indonesia

EBC Financial Group and Elite Trader Club Enhance Mosque Facilities and Help 75 Orphans through CSR in Banten, Indonesia

EBC Financial Group, in collaboration with Elite Trader Club, has launched a CSR initiative aimed at repairing mosque facilities and supporting 75 orphans at the Nurul Ibad Child Welfare Institution in Banten, Indonesia. The program also aims to raise awareness about the critical need for educational support for orphans, emphasizing a commitment to social and environmental betterment.

Notizia 2024-06-11 16:01
The European Parliament elections led to a rise in the US dollar on Monday  Gold rebounded after oversold, with upward resistance starting at $2,320

The European Parliament elections led to a rise in the US dollar on Monday Gold rebounded after oversold, with upward resistance starting at $2,320

​On Monday (June 10th), due to recent strong US economic data, the US dollar index rebounded slightly.

Recensione 2024-06-11 15:20
EBC Financial Group Aids Taiwan Earthquake Relief Efforts

EBC Financial Group Aids Taiwan Earthquake Relief Efforts

EBC Financial Group mobilizes swiftly to support Hualien communities with essential aid and rebuilding initiatives.

Notizia 2024-06-11 15:07
Dollar Steadies as the Market Await for FOMC Minutes

Dollar Steadies as the Market Await for FOMC Minutes

The dollar index is poised at its recent high level, while U.S. equity markets eked out marginal gains as the market awaits Wednesday’s crucial CPI reading and the FOMC meeting minutes.

Notizia 2024-06-11 13:55
AUS GLOBAL is organizing the “Lucky Card” event on this Eid al-Adha to express gratitude for the trust and support from our esteemed clients and partners

AUS GLOBAL is organizing the “Lucky Card” event on this Eid al-Adha to express gratitude for the trust and support from our esteemed clients and partners

June 16 to 18, 2024 is the Islamic festival of “Eid al-Adha”, in order to thank and give back our customers and partners for their trust and support in AUS GLOBAL , we sincerely hold the “Lucky Card” event for all customers and partners.

Evento 2024-06-11 13:32
PU Prime Ups Leverage Limit, Downs Stop-out Level

PU Prime Ups Leverage Limit, Downs Stop-out Level

Leading broker PU Prime is shaking things up with a dual approach to enhance customer risk management and trading opportunities. Effective June 17th, 2024.

Notizia 2024-06-11 12:04
CWG Commodity Futures Delivery Time

CWG Commodity Futures Delivery Time

CWG Commodity Futures Delivery Time

Notizia 2024-06-11 11:40
Today's analysis: USDJPY Set to Rise Amid Bank of Japan Policy Shift

Today's analysis: USDJPY Set to Rise Amid Bank of Japan Policy Shift

USD/JPY (USD/JPY), an increase is expected as the Bank of Japan may reduce bond purchases and lay the groundwork for future rate hikes. Technical indicators show an ongoing uptrend with resistance around 157.8 to 160.

Notizia 2024-06-11 11:15
Market Watch Today

Market Watch Today

Market Review | June 11, 2024

Recensione 2024-06-11 09:50
Zero Withdrawal Fee

Zero Withdrawal Fee

the withdrawal fee in Otet Markets has reached zero percent

Notizia 2024-06-10 22:39
Is Option trading Better Than Stocks?

Is Option trading Better Than Stocks?

Use stocks as your core holdings and options for tactical plays. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Your investment strategy should align with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Whether you choose stocks, options, or a combination, always do thorough research and consider seeking professional advice.

Evento 2024-06-10 19:37
24K Gold Challenge

24K Gold Challenge

Imagine trading gold and winning a real gold bar! It's thrilling to dream about, and even more exciting to make it a reality.

Notizia 2024-06-10 19:16
NFP Shocks Market, Triggers Dollar Surge

NFP Shocks Market, Triggers Dollar Surge

Last Friday's U.S. Nonfarm Payroll (NFP) report rattled financial markets with a significantly higher-than-expected reading, far surpassing both market expectations and the previous month's figures. The robust job data dashed hopes for an early rate hike from the Federal Reserve, as a tight labour market could potentially spur higher inflation, prompting a more hawkish approach from the Fed regarding monetary policy.

Notizia 2024-06-10 13:41
Today's analysis: USD/JPY faces volatility due to economic policy uncertainty.

Today's analysis: USD/JPY faces volatility due to economic policy uncertainty.

USD/JPY is expected to rise. Strong U.S. employment data has pushed the exchange rate up, while in Japan, real wages have been declining for 25 consecutive months, with inflation outpacing wage growth. The Bank of Japan's continued quantitative easing has led to yen depreciation, but it may reduce bond purchases or intervene in the market to support the yen. Overall, an upward trend is more likely.

Notizia 2024-06-10 12:24
Today's Market Insights

Today's Market Insights

Market Review | June 10, 2024

Recensione 2024-06-10 10:01
【MACRO Insight】The European Central Bank (ECB) adjusts monetary policy with an interest rate cut, but does not commit to a specific rate path!?

【MACRO Insight】The European Central Bank (ECB) adjusts monetary policy with an interest rate cut, but does not commit to a specific rate path!?

Amid ongoing inflationary pressures in the Eurozone, the ECB announced a 25 basis point interest rate cut at 20:15 Beijing time on Thursday, marking the first rate cut since 2019. After the cut, the three key interest rates were adjusted to 4.25%, 3.75%, and 4.50% respectively, making the ECB the second central bank in the G7 countries to cut rates after the United States.

Recensione 2024-06-07 16:58

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