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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


China|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


Rating Index

The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!
This platform is a Ponzi Scheme. Please stay away! 5
Previous Detection : 2024-06-10
  • This broker has been verified to be illegal and all of its licences have expired, and it has been listed in WikiFX's Scam Brokers list. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The platform is a Ponzi Scheme, which refers to the use of "principle of value multiplication". In the form of rolling or static fund circulation, it uses the money of next member to pay to the present one, which is essentially a pyramid scheme with the distinction of hidden, deceptive and socially harmful. By calling common person's desire for money, fraudsters in the platform begin raising funds underground. Since this kind of platform mostly will abscond after 1 or 2 years, the fund-raising mode just can exist less than 3 years.

WikiFX Verification

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Pyramid scheme complaint
Unable to Withdraw

Expose Chongqing TR Foreign Exchange Leader Wang Jing (Episode 2)

Investors, stop being brainwashed, wake up! Flaunt wealth by various means such as take investor's money to drive a luxury car, live in palatial villa, go on vacation, being exploited once and once again, still insanely brainwashed by him. and re-purchase the identity. Obviously, it was already impossible to withdraw money on April. but he encourage investors to borrow millions of dollars for six or seven loans by blocking the news! What is your intention? Where is the conscience? Do whatever it takes for hedging, even use own money. Truely lost his conscience.

2022-10-05 17:35
Unable to Withdraw

A scam defrauded my feelings and salary and hoped to be caught.

It deleted his IG conversation before it was too late! There are really many and rampant love scams nowadays, everyone should pay attention. Don't trust people who talk to you about true feelings in two or three days, and they are also very handsome. They are all from China mainland and create a luxurious life. During the process, he also told me that his father passed away, which aroused my sympathy, and in the middle, he would say that he had some trauma in his heart and could not answer my phone calls. I have been talking to you about foreign exchange trading since then, and brainwashed me by saying how profitable it is, so that I can make money during the process of entering market, so I am also very relieved. Until yesterday, I still had a remittance, but today the boy disappeared, and the platform was unable to withdraw money. I am now telling everyone to be careful, not to be scammed.

2023-07-10 17:31

    TR · Company Summary


    This comprehensive report provides an in-depth analysis and warning about TR Trading, a forex broker. Due to the unavailability of the official TR Trading website, the information presented here is gathered from various credible sources. TR Trading has been identified as an illegal and unregulated entity, with all its licenses expired. It has also been prominently listed in WikiFX's Scam Brokers list, indicating a high level of risk associated with this company. The purpose of this report is to highlight the fraudulent activities conducted by TR Trading, particularly its involvement in a Ponzi scheme. It is essential for potential investors and traders to be fully informed about the deceptive practices and potential financial harm associated with TR Trading in order to make informed decisions and protect their interests.

    Scam Warning:

    TR Trading has been thoroughly investigated and verified to be an illegal operation. All of its licenses have expired, further raising concerns about its legitimacy and credibility. Notably, TR Trading has been prominently listed in WikiFX's Scam Brokers list, indicating a significant risk to individuals who may consider engaging with this company.

    Of particular concern is TR Trading's involvement in a Ponzi scheme. This fraudulent scheme operates by employing the “principle of value multiplication,” where funds from new members are used to pay returns to existing participants. In essence, TR Trading functions as a pyramid scheme, characterized by its hidden, deceptive, and socially harmful nature. Fraudsters within the platform capitalize on people's innate desire for financial gain, clandestinely raising funds through underground means. It is important to recognize that these types of platforms often disappear within one to two years, making their fundraising model unsustainable in the long run.

    Given these alarming details, it is crucial for potential investors and traders to exercise extreme caution and be fully aware of the risks associated with TR Trading. Engaging with this company can result in significant financial losses and other adverse consequences. It is strongly advised to refrain from any dealings with TR Trading to protect one's financial well-being and avoid falling victim to this scam.

    Additionally, it is important to note that TR Trading currently lacks valid regulation, further exacerbating the risks involved in engaging with this broker. The absence of proper oversight and compliance raises serious concerns about the safety of investors' funds and the transparency of TR Trading's operations.

    In summary, TR Trading is an illegal operation, involved in a Ponzi scheme and lacking valid regulation. Its inclusion in the WikiFX's Scam Brokers list serves as a prominent warning sign for potential investors. To safeguard their financial interests, individuals must exercise utmost caution, refrain from engaging with TR Trading, and explore reputable and regulated alternatives in the forex trading industry.


    Ponzi Scheme Characteristics:

    TR Trading operates as a highly deceptive and socially harmful Ponzi scheme, exploiting unsuspecting individuals' desire for financial gain. This scheme revolves around the “principle of value multiplication,” where funds are circulated in a rolling or static manner. The scheme functions by using the money from new members to pay returns to existing participants, creating an illusion of profitability.

    At its core, TR Trading's Ponzi scheme resembles a pyramid scheme, but with distinct features that make it even more insidious. The platform utilizes hidden tactics and deceptive practices to manipulate and entice individuals into investing their funds. By capitalizing on the common desire for wealth accumulation, fraudsters within the platform engage in underground fundraising activities.

    The longevity of such platforms is inherently limited. Typically, Ponzi schemes like TR Trading tend to abscond within a relatively short period, often one to two years. This brief lifespan is a direct consequence of the unsustainable nature of the fundraising model employed by these schemes.

    Participants in the TR Trading Ponzi scheme are lured with promises of high returns and an effortless pathway to financial success. The initial display of successful deals creates a false sense of security, enticing investors to deposit more funds in the pursuit of greater profits. Moreover, participants may be incentivized with additional rewards for referring friends and family to the platform, further expanding the scheme's reach and its potential victims.

    It is crucial to recognize the inherent risks and devastating consequences associated with participating in a Ponzi scheme like TR Trading. Individuals who fall prey to such schemes face significant financial losses, as the inevitable collapse of the scheme leaves most participants empty-handed. The deceptive and socially harmful nature of TR Trading's Ponzi scheme underscores the urgency for individuals to exercise extreme caution and refrain from any involvement with this fraudulent operation.

    Therefore, it is imperative for potential investors and traders to remain vigilant, educate themselves about the workings of Ponzi schemes, and seek out regulated and reputable investment opportunities to protect their financial well-being and avoid becoming victims of such deceptive practices.


    Complaints and Lack of Regulation:

    TR Trading has garnered a significant number of complaints, signaling a pattern of dissatisfaction and potential fraudulent activities. Over the past three months alone, WikiFX has received 190 complaints regarding this broker. Such a substantial volume of complaints underscores the gravity of the issues associated with TR Trading and serves as a clear warning sign to potential investors.

    Furthermore, TR Trading operates without valid regulation, which exacerbates the risks and raises serious concerns about the company's transparency and adherence to ethical and legal standards. The lack of regulatory oversight means that TR Trading operates outside the framework of established regulatory bodies, leaving investors vulnerable to fraudulent practices and potential misconduct. The absence of proper regulation further undermines the safety and security of investors' funds and leaves them without proper recourse in the event of any disputes or issues with the broker.

    Investors should be aware that engaging with an unregulated broker like TR Trading significantly increases the likelihood of financial loss and reduces the chances of receiving fair treatment or compensation in case of any malpractice. Regulatory oversight plays a crucial role in protecting the interests of investors, ensuring fair market practices, and upholding industry standards. By choosing to operate without proper regulation, TR Trading raises serious doubts about its credibility and integrity.

    It is essential for individuals considering forex trading or any investment activity to prioritize working with regulated brokers. Regulated brokers are subject to scrutiny, must meet stringent requirements, and are held accountable for their actions. Engaging with a regulated broker helps to mitigate risks and provides investors with a level of assurance and legal protection.

    In conclusion, the significant number of complaints received by WikiFX and the lack of regulation associated with TR Trading are red flags for potential investors. These factors indicate a heightened risk of fraudulent activities and the potential for financial loss. To safeguard their interests, investors should exercise extreme caution, opt for regulated brokers, and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with any forex broker or investment opportunity.



    Based on the available information, TR Trading is a forex broker involved in fraudulent activities, operating as a Ponzi scheme. The company's licenses have expired, and it has been listed as a scam broker by reliable sources. The numerous complaints received and the absence of valid regulation highlight the risks involved in dealing with TR Trading. It is crucial to exercise extreme caution and avoid any engagement with this broker to mitigate the risk of financial loss and other negative consequences associated with such scams.


    Q: Is TR Trading a regulated forex broker?

    A: No, TR Trading is not regulated.

    Q: What risks are associated with TR Trading?

    A: Engaging with TR Trading poses a high risk of financial loss due to its involvement in a Ponzi scheme and lack of regulation.

    Q: Has TR Trading received any complaints?

    A: Yes, TR Trading has received numerous complaints, indicating potential fraudulent activities.

    Q: Are there any valid licenses held by TR Trading?

    A: No, all licenses held by TR Trading have expired.

    Q: What should I do if I have invested with TR Trading?

    A: If you have invested with TR Trading, it is advisable to contact relevant authorities and seek guidance on reporting the situation and protecting your interests.


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    NewsIs It Possible to Recover Money Invested in Scam Brokers?

    2022-07-07 11:41

    This article will share to everyone on how the WikiFX can help to resolve your problems from you broker.

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    Is It Possible to Recover Money Invested in Scam Brokers?

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    more than one year
    black platform
    2023-06-21 11:40
    more than one year
    2023-06-21 11:04
    more than one year
    2023-06-21 11:04
    more than one year
    2023-06-21 11:02
    Negative me is7501
    more than one year
    Fake traders black platform
    2023-05-30 16:30
    more than one year
    I was impressed with their service.
    2023-02-02 22:32
    more than one year
    what happen?
    2023-02-02 21:39
    more than one year
    Foreign exchange settlement at the company's factory, domestic tax refund purchase and international wire transfer! Collection and payment of foreign goods, purchase and sale of USDT unlimited currency exchange, unlimited countries, global wire transfer,
    2023-01-28 04:11
    more than one year
    Find me a good platform
    2023-01-18 19:52
    more than one year
    Don't be discouraged and keep working hard, choose a good platform
    2023-01-14 21:01
    more than one year
    They've stolen all my money. Please do not invest with this company and if you have, please report it to your law enforcement agencies. They must be severely punished!
    2022-12-19 17:03
    more than one year
    At that time, the superiors tried their best to let us do it, so there is no guarantee, but now, the ghosts can't be found. Mortgaged the house, and now I haven't earned any money, and built the house, and pay the bank interest every month, it's really miserable
    2022-12-10 19:01
    more than one year
    2022-12-07 16:43
    more than one year
    shut down
    2022-12-07 16:29
    more than one year
    2022-12-07 10:53
    more than one year
    Quantitative robot, stable, you can simulate the test first, and then talk about cooperation after the test is satisfactory
    2022-12-02 23:12
    more than one year
    Isn't there law enforcement? After all, the amount of money involved is too great, is it the hard-earned money of ordinary people?
    2022-11-30 23:24
    more than one year
    I made a deposit of 500,000 yuan and lost all my money. This is a disaster, and the family of this black-hearted platform is ruined. What should I do, please give me some advice, thank you 😭😭😭😭😭
    2022-11-30 23:15
    more than one year
    I can’t withdraw the money for several months, and it’s useless to call the police. They said that we have to wait until November, and it’s not in November that the money can be withdrawn. Now I want to know how to get the money out
    2022-11-20 08:27
    more than one year
    Is there any way I can get my money back?
    2022-11-14 11:22
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