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Nexus Trade

United Kingdom|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Nexus Trade

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Nexus Trade

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United Kingdom

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Previous Detection : 2024-06-10
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Nexus Trade · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Nexus Trade
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Years 2-5 years
Regulation Unregulated
Market Instruments Cryptocurrencies and Fiat Currencies
Commission 0.22% per trade
Demo Account Yes
Customer Support Email ( and Ticket

Overview of Nexus Trade

Nexus Trade, based in the United Kingdom with 2-5 years of industry presence, operates as an unregulated trading platform.

The company facilitates trading in a variety of market instruments, including cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. With a commission rate of 0.22% per trade, Nexus Trade offers users the opportunity to engage in both cryptocurrency and traditional fiat trading activities.

The platform provides a demo account for users to practice and familiarize themselves with the trading environment before committing to real funds.

Overview of Nexus Trade

Regulatory Status

Nexus Trade operates as an unregulated trading platform. Unregulated brokers may have less scrutiny, making them susceptible to engaging in unethical practices, such as market manipulation. This can impact the fairness and integrity of the trading environment.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Variety of Market Instruments Unregulated Status
Demo Account Availability Limited Customer Support Channels
Transparent Commission Structure Market Risks


  1. Variety of Market Instruments: Nexus Trade supports trading in both cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, providing users with options for investment.

  2. Demo Account Availability: The platform offers a demo account, allowing users to practice trading strategies and familiarize themselves with the platform's features before engaging in real trading.

  3. Transparent Commission Structure: Nexus Trade features a transparent commission structure with a fixed rate of 0.22% per trade, enabling users to easily understand their trading costs.


  1. Unregulated Status: Nexus Trade operates as an unregulated platform, which may be concerning for users who prefer trading on platforms under regulatory oversight.

  2. Limited Customer Support Channels: Customer support is primarily offered through email ( and a ticketing system. The limited support channels may impact the speed of issue resolution for users.

  3. Market Risks: The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility, and trading on Nexus Trade involves inherent risks that users should be aware of and consider.

Market Instruments

Nexus Trade presents traders with a range of market instruments, particularly in the realms of Cryptocurrencies and Fiat Currencies.

The platform stands out for its extensive 59+ varieties of cryptocurrencies, featuring popular digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more. This broad selection ensures users have ample choices to engage with the dynamic cryptocurrency market and explore various trading opportunities.

Additionally, Nexus Trade supports the trading of 19+ fiat currencies, enabling users to participate in currency pairs involving traditional options like USD, EUR, GBP, and others.

Market Instruments

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with Nexus Trade is a straightforward process that can be completed online in a matter of minutes. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved:

  1. Visit the Nexus Trade website and click “OPEN AN ACCOUNT.”

How to Open an Account?
  1. Fill out the online application form: The form will request your personal information, financial details, and trading experience. Ensure your identification documents (passport or ID card) and proof of address are handy for uploading.

  2. Fund your account: Nexus Trade offers various deposit methods, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and e-wallets. Choose your preferred method and follow the instructions to complete the deposit.

  3. Verify your account: Once your account is funded, you'll need to verify your identity and address. This typically involves submitting scanned copies of your ID documents and proof of address.

  4. Start trading: Once your account is verified, you're ready to explore the Nexus Trade trading platform and start making trades.

How to Open an Account?


Nexus Trade implements a competitive fee structure to enhance the trading experience for its users. The platform assesses a base trading commission of 0.22% per trade.

This transparent and straightforward fee model ensures that traders have clarity on the costs associated with their transactions. The modest commission rate contributes to cost-effective trading, allowing users to retain a significant portion of their profits.

Withdrawal Fees

When initiating withdrawals on Nexus Trade, users should be aware of associated transfer fees designed to cover the transaction costs involved in moving assets from their Nexus account.

The transfer fee for all crypto and fiat withdrawals is set at 0.2% of the requested withdrawal amount, ensuring transparency in the withdrawal process.

Additionally, there is a minimum flat transfer fee of 65.00 for all fiat wires, providing clarity on the minimum cost associated with fiat withdrawals.

It's important to note that fees for any additional contracted services may apply, and users are encouraged to review the fee structure comprehensively to make informed decisions about their withdrawals on Nexus Trade.

Withdrawal Fees

Customer Support

Nexus Trade offers customer support through two primary channels: Email and Ticket.

  1. Email Support ( Users can reach out to Nexus Trade's customer support team via email at This provides a direct and convenient way to communicate queries, seek assistance, or address concerns. The email support system ensures that users can receive personalized responses to their inquiries.

  2. Ticket System: Nexus Trade employs a ticketing system for customer support. This structured approach allows users to submit tickets outlining their specific issues or requests. The ticketing system ensures that customer inquiries are tracked, managed, and addressed systematically, contributing to an organized and efficient resolution process.

Customer Support


Nexus Trade presents a range of market instruments, offering users access to a variety of cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. The availability of a demo account adds to the platform's user-friendly features, allowing traders to explore and test strategies risk-free. Nexus Trade maintains a transparent commission structure with a base trading commission of 0.22% per trade.

However, it's important to note that the platform operates without regulatory oversight, which may pose risks to users. Additionally, the customer support channels are limited, relying primarily on email and a ticket system. Traders should be aware of the unregulated status and market risks associated with Nexus Trade.


Q: What market instruments are available on Nexus Trade?

A: Nexus Trade offers a range of market instruments, including various cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.

Q: How does Nexus Trade charge commissions?

A: Nexus Trade assesses a base trading commission of 0.22% per trade.

Q: Are there withdrawal fees for Nexus Trade?

A: Yes, all crypto and fiat withdrawals have an associated transfer fee of 0.2% of the requested withdrawal amount. Additionally, a minimum flat transfer fee of $65 applies to all fiat wires.

Q: Does Nexus Trade provide a demo account?

A: Yes, Nexus Trade offers a demo account, allowing users to explore and test trading strategies without risking real funds.

Q: Are there additional fees for contracted services on Nexus Trade?

A: Yes, fees for additional contracted services may apply on Nexus Trade.

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more than one year
I consider myself fortunate to have come across Nexus Trade because it's incredibly versatile. As a trader who wants to dabble in everything, I appreciate its all-encompassing nature. I'm not fixated on just one thing; I want to trade currencies, commodities, indices, and, not to mention, cryptocurrencies. I aim to benefit from round-the-clock trading, and of course, I need some sleep.
2024-01-29 12:32
more than one year
Nexus Trade caters to the money-minded, but my experience was far from satisfactory. They quietly shut down my account without giving me a heads up. If you're looking for a trading platform that values its users, I'd suggest exploring alternatives to Nexus Trade.
2024-01-03 23:35
more than one year
NexusTrade is an excellent trading platform, they offer a variety of trading tools and the trading conditions are very competitive. I love their user interface, which makes it easy for me to find the trading products I want. Plus, their customer service is also very professional, quick to solve problems, and very trustworthy
2023-03-22 15:36
more than one year
What happened? Why can't the nexustrade website be opened? Did they change the website? I can't find any other sites online. Can someone tell me why 😭
2022-12-12 11:15
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