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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


United States|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 4
Previous Detection : 2024-06-01
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 15 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

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Pyramid scheme complaint
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

On 5/31/2021, apply for withdrawal. The withdrawal application is successful. The payment is delayed. No one in the customer service will respond to the customer complaint. There is also a message that there is a limit on the amount of deposit and withdrawal. It is a joke that you have to make up the amount.

2021-06-25 13:55


I met a Singaporean woman (Emily, LINE ID: Lily), working at World Potential, 12-13 Shimo Shinjuku, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture. We have planned about marriage. She told me about investing in FX, but I am not interested. But she was familiar with the operation, so she was invited to trade EMO account many times and showed me the result of each transaction. After that, she asked me if I wanted to open an actual account. I opened the account with Line ID: IAT ACOUNT MANAGER and deposited 1,000 US dollars. In order to buy an apartment and a car after getting married, she followed the guidance of an analyst to invest. I repeatedly refused to deposit because there was no money, but she said there would be benefits with the help of subsidy, so I had to increase the deposit. I refused to call for multiple payments, but the analyst said that if the principal increases to $30,000, the profit can reach $5,000. If continue to trade, the principal might become zero. I ask the fraud company to compensate for twice the loss. If I do not pay, the lawyer will ask for compensation. I think she cheated me with the trading company. Can I get my losses back?

2021-07-28 13:50
Unable to Withdraw

Possibly running their own MT4 server to simulate trades and perform their fraud. Unable to withdraw directly. Done thru crypto wallets

can't withdraw funds from account. They require their "financial department" to handle the request and then send funds through Binance and USDT Thether crypto currency. When decided to not add more money to reach their $100k requirement, threatened by email and WhatsApp. They use "successful" lady entrepreneur to convince you to invest showing you her $700k trading count balance in MT4

2021-06-04 00:35
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw. The customer service of the platform requires to pay 10% personal income tax to withdraw. Then, the real-name trading account is locked. The customer service does not reply.

As a trader in my real-name account, after successfully depositing USD8545.00 at the end of July 2021, I will conduct foreign exchange transactions in the real-name trading account. After mid-August 2021, I will contact the customer service department of the platform to apply for a withdrawal. Personal income tax, after consulting the platform customer service for many times, it has not clearly provided the contact number of Success International Foreign Exchange and Futures Co., Ltd. of the platform company's Asian service department in Hong Kong and the platform company's valid registration information for financial and financial supervision. As of the beginning of October 2021, the platform's customer service no longer responds to my trader's inquiries and related questions, and has lost contact so far, so my balance in the platform's MT4 real-name trading account has been frozen in the account, and I cannot withdraw funds. No door. Then, through the foreign exchange Tianyan inspection software WiiKiFX to verify the negative evaluation of the foreign exchange dealer platform, it is also found the exposure record that more than ten traders have been defrauded and unable to withdraw funds.

2022-05-01 16:15
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw!

Withdrawal conditions not only require 5 transactions to withdraw funds, and the minimum lot size can only be 1 to place an order, and there is a stranger (fraud group) who helps you deposit and add money, and you must get the consent of that person to withdraw money. If that person I don't agree, but the foreign exchange dealer will require a deposit of US$1,000 as a self-certified fund to withdraw money.

2021-05-10 20:19
Unable to Withdraw

Cheat your money with excuses of taxes, fines and margin and then disappear

From mid-January 2021, it is mandatory to pay 10% of the profit. After the money was collected, due to my negligence, there was a code error in the account. I was told that the withdrawal was unsuccessful and an additional 5% of the profit was required as a fine to the local government. Increased the payment of mortgage loans! I re-applied for withdrawal again, and was told that I would need to pay another 5% or 10% of the profit as [Account Authentication Fund] to verify that I am not a money laundering account, and repeatedly ensure that the account authentication fund and the applied for withdrawal will be returned together. After borrowing another credit to pay the 5% account authentication fee, the customer service has never been seen! ! The customer service email did not reply. The phone number contacted by the Whatsapp customer service turned out to be a certain Hong Kong resident, and he scolded me not to play on the phone. The predecessor of this IATFXWELSHI company was BTABCBRITON. During the entire process of applying for withdrawal, they suddenly shut down BTABCBRITON and claimed that a fraudulent company fraudulently used their certified company, so the company had to be reorganized. Now I want to report and I can’t start, because every time I make a deposit and pay income tax, they say that in order to facilitate the service of Taiwan customers, they provide Taiwan accounts so that customers can reduce their exchange losses. In fact, each time the account is provided is a different head account, and the remittance must be completed within two hours of the day after the account is provided, because the next day the remittance will become a different head account.

2021-07-01 05:54

    IATFXWELSHI · Company Summary

    Note: For some unknown reason, we cannot open IATFXWELSHIs official sites (; while writing this introduction, therefore, we could only gather relevant information from the Internet to present a rough picture of this broker. Traders should be careful about this issue.

    Risk Warning

    The United States NFA regulatory (license number: 0537037) claimed by this broker is a suspicious clone, please be aware of the risk!

    Online trading involves a significant level of risk and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information contained in this article is for general information purposes only.

    General Information & Regulation

    IATFXWELSHI, a trading name of IATFXWELSHI SERVICES LIMITED, is allegedly a financial company registered in the United States.

    As this brokerage's website cannot be accessed, we were unable to obtain further details about its trading assets, leverage, spreads, trading platforms, minimum deposit, etc.

    As for regulation, it has been verified that IATFXWELSHI has a suspicious clone National Futures Association (NFA) license. That is why its regulatory status on WikiFX is listed as “Suspected Fake Clone” and it receives a relatively low score of 1.30/10. Please be aware of the risk.

    General Information & Regulation
    General Information & Regulation

    Negative Reviews

    Some traders shared their terrible trading experience on the IATFXWELSHI platform at WikiFX. They said this platform is a scam and they were unable to withdraw. It is necessary for traders to read reviews left by some users before choosing forex brokers, in case they are defrauded by scams.

    Negative Reviews

    Customer Support

    Unluckily, we didn‘t find any useful information about IATFXWELSHI’s customer support on the Internet. Generally, regulated brokers will reveal their telephone numbers, email or company address to let their clients get in touch with them.

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