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3 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

They won't let me withdraw the money please help me

when they contacted me they told me that i could start with 430 canadians and that i had a trial week so that later if i saw good profits i would continue investing and likewise it was a week there were half by half profits and i reinvested 2500 canadians and the profits continued and the broker called ivana and this is her phone number told me that she had a good project and that i had to invest 10,000 euros but i didn't have them. the only thing i could get from a bank card was 5,000 canadian and we deposited it, i told her. that for that money i had to pay a monthly interest of 600 canadian dollars and he told me that we could take it out that it was not a problem but later i found out about this page and i realized that this company FXTIME it is not regulated and the brokers showed me the data of this other company called fxtm to which i wrote and they told me that they had nothing to do with FXTIME so i paid more attention to the operations that the brokers were doing and i realized that they were moving the graph in profit since i was getting very good profits. to close the account and withdraw all the money and i told her that it was fine that she was going to withdraw everything and close the account but she sent me a document that says that i have to deposit 6180 euros of taxes before april 4, 2023 and if i don't deposit them i lose all my money that there are already 30,900 euros but i know that if i deposit they will scam me and i'm afraid since i have 7,930 canadian invested and i owe money to the bank and i don't even have enough to pay the interest for please, i am writing to you to see if you can help me to recover the money and so that people are careful when they are going to invest, that they inform themselves first so that this does not happen to them.

Canada Canada 2023-03-28 23:36
Canada Canada 2023-03-28 23:36

Unable to withdraw

Apparently, a person from this company called me and told me that they are changing the company from UK to Austria and they have to liquidate all the account. We have to pay 10% fee to unfreeze our account. They sent us the following letter that I attach here. I only have 615€ but my friend has 64000€ and she has to pay more than 5000€ in advance to withdraw her money. According to the letter they are called ANTRAX GROUP, but instead of London, they are based in Saint Vicent and Granadinas. SCAM

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2021-04-25 07:34
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2021-04-25 07:34
Unable to Withdraw

Have to pay 15% margin to withdraw funds

15% margin is required for wrong opening bank. But I am afraid if I pay the money, some other problems will occur. I’ve deposited 114,000

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-12-31 09:30
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-12-31 09:30
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