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2023-03-28 23:36 Released in Canada Canada

They won't let me withdraw the money please help me

when they contacted me they told me that i could start with 430 canadians and that i had a trial week so that later if i saw good profits i would continue investing and likewise it was a week there were half by half profits and i reinvested 2500 canadians and the profits continued and the broker called ivana and this is her phone number told me that she had a good project and that i had to invest 10,000 euros but i didn't have them. the only thing i could get from a bank card was 5,000 canadian and we deposited it, i told her. that for that money i had to pay a monthly interest of 600 canadian dollars and he told me that we could take it out that it was not a problem but later i found out about this page and i realized that this company FXTIME it is not regulated and the brokers showed me the data of this other company called fxtm to which i wrote and they told me that they had nothing to do with FXTIME so i paid more attention to the operations that the brokers were doing and i realized that they were moving the graph in profit since i was getting very good profits. to close the account and withdraw all the money and i told her that it was fine that she was going to withdraw everything and close the account but she sent me a document that says that i have to deposit 6180 euros of taxes before april 4, 2023 and if i don't deposit them i lose all my money that there are already 30,900 euros but i know that if i deposit they will scam me and i'm afraid since i have 7,930 canadian invested and i owe money to the bank and i don't even have enough to pay the interest for please, i am writing to you to see if you can help me to recover the money and so that people are careful when they are going to invest, that they inform themselves first so that this does not happen to them.

Unable to Withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

No me dejan retirar el dinero por favor ayúdenme

Cuando me contactaron me dijeron q podía comenzar con 430 canadienses y q tenía una semana de prueba para q después si veía buenas ganancias continuara
invirtiendo y así mismo fue a la semana había mitad por mitad de ganancias y volví a invertir 2500 canadiense y continuaron las ganancias y la brokers q se llama Ivana y este es su número de teléfono me dijo q ella tenía un buen proyecto y q tenía q invertir 10000 euros
pero yo no los tenía lo único q pude sacar de una tarjeta del banco fueron 5000
canadiense y los depositamos le dije q por ese dinero tenía q pagar un interés mensual de 600 dólares canadienses y me dijo q eso lo podíamos sacar q no era problema pero después me enteré de esta página de y me pude dar cuenta q esta compañía FXTIME no es regulada y la brokers me enseñó los datos de esta otra compañía q se llama FXTM a la cual le escribí y me dijeron q ellos no tenían nada q ver con FXTIME entonces le puse mas atención a las operaciones q hacía la brokers y me di cuenta q movía la gráfica en ganancia ya q obtenía muy buenas ganancias yo le dije q quería sacar la inversión y me comenzó a poner trabas q eso no se podía hacer q tenía q serrar la cuenta y sacar todo el dinero y le dije q estaba bien q lo iba ha sacar todo y serrar la cuenta pero ella me envío un documento q dice q yo tengo q depositar 6180 euros de impuestos antes del día 4 de abril del 2023 y si no los deposito pierdo todo mi dinero q ya hay 30900 euros pero yo se q si yo deposito me van ha estafar y tengo miedo ya q tengo invertido 7930
canadiense y le debo dinero al banco y no tengo ni siquiera para pagar el interés por favor les estoy escribiendo para ver si mepueden ayudar a recuperar el dinero y para q las personas tengan cuidado cuando van ha invertir q se informen bien primero para q no les suceda esto.

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