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3 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Michael M Maravilla

The website of the broker I used for YSHX is I am unable to withdraw money in my account after I traded on the 3rd time. The broker frozen my account in MT5 platform worth $82,872.50 and I am unable to withdraw money. YSHX online service rejected my withdrawal because they said I did not complete the 50% of the require platform mechanism which I do not understand. YSHX said that to withdraw my funds anytime I must deposit the $41,440 to my account before August 10, 2023, if not according to them the FBI will involve, and my account said triggered the AML law. Then, I reported the matter to local enforcement agency, police station in Cerritos, FBI website, DFPI, FINRA, SEC. All I want is to withdraw my wired deposited money worth $25000. Please help me recover my funds. I have all the evidence of all conversation and documents for all the accounts, bank, crypto, chats on whatsapp and YSHX websute transactions.

United States United States 2023-08-14 12:10
United States United States 2023-08-14 12:10


now everything is stopped. No listeners, my money is drowned. 2800$ with my own 1800$. How anyone can be so bad. looting money on behalf of trading.

India India 2023-06-24 20:49
India India 2023-06-24 20:49
Unable to Withdraw

unable to withdraw

Dear , My account is 730007. The old account is 308134 of Titan markets limited. Now this company is merged with your company. I trade in MT5 and I deposit total money is 1408 $and tax of 566 $. I make profit and now total amount is 2831 $. The CS asked me to deposit tax of 566 $ while I fill withdraw form. After deposit the tax CS say you trade many times in a single day and you are using illegal software for trade and making profit. While I am using MT5 for trade. They must be have all my trading data. And now CS asking me to deposit more 500$ for inspection. CS say company will inspect your trade and data for trading many times in a single day. While this is not a rules in trading to trade limited times. They are doing cheating with me for not giving my withdrawal. I need your help to make my money withdraw.

India India 2023-06-15 22:35
India India 2023-06-15 22:35
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