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Fuji Hong Kong

Hong Kong
Entry Time 2017-09-22

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Fuji Hong Kong · Company Summary

General Information & Regulation

Fuji Hong Kong Commodities Limited (Fuji Commodities) was established in 1974 and is a licensed corporation (Licence No. AAG657) under Type 1 Licence (dealing in securities contracts) and Type 2 Licence (dealing in futures contracts) of the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC). It is also a subsidiary of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE) and Futures Clearing House Limited (FCH).

Business Scope

Fuji Commodities has been providing futures contract trading and clearing services to its clients for over 45 years. Its futures business covers futures contract trading in major futures markets around the world, including Hong Kong, New York, Chicago, London, Tokyo, etc., and includes all energy, metals, currencies, crops, stock market indices and interest rate financial products.

Trading Model

In July 2021, Fuji Commodities was granted the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) Type 1 Licence (dealing in securities contracts) and now provides customers with “one-stop” electronic trading services for Hong Kong stocks, IPO subscriptions, dark trading, and overseas multi-market stock trading. The fully electronic trading model means that clients can trade futures globally through Fuji Commodities' electronic trading system, and can also use the system's ancillary functions to help control trading risks.

Customer Support

Fuji Commodities can be reached through telephone: +852 2559 1041, as well as email: Office Hour: 09:00-18:00 (Monday to Friday, except Hong Kong public holidays). Address: Room 1503-4, Siu On Plaza, 482 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.


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