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ALtex ALX Trade

United Kingdom|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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2 The Priory Queensway, Birmingham B4 7LJ


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Company Name

Altex ALX Trade LTD

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ALtex ALX Trade

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United Kingdom

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-12
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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ALtex ALX Trade · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Altex ALX Trade LTD
Registered Country United Kingdom
Founded Year 2005
Company Status Dissolved as of 30 April 2013
Regulation None
Account Types Premium, VIP, ECN, Live
Minimum Deposit 50,000 (Premium), 20,000 (VIP), $10,000 (ECN)
Maximum Leverage 1:500 (Premium, VIP), 1:100 (ECN, Live)
Customer Support Email:
Company Address 2 The Priory Queensway, Birmingham B4 7LJ

Overview of ALtex ALX Trade

Altex ALX Trade LTD, founded in 2005 and registered in the United Kingdom, served the forex trading community until its dissolution in April 2013. Operating without regulatory oversight, the broker provided four account types, namely Premium, VIP, ECN, and Live accounts. These accounts featured leverage up to 1:500 and required minimum deposits between $10,000 and $50,000. Although customer support was accessible via email and the company had an office in Birmingham, the dissolution of the company and the absence of an official website mark the end of its operations.

Overview of ALtex ALX Trade

Pros and Cons

ALtex ALX Trade lacks regulation, and is listed as dissolved since April 30, 2013, which means it is no longer operational. The high minimum deposits required for different account types further limit accessibility for many traders. Moreover, the limited trading account options restrict flexibility for varying trading strategies. Finally, the unavailability of the companys website eliminates a primary source of information and support, compounding the difficulties for potential and existing clients.

Pros Cons
  • None
  • Unregulated
  • Dissolved company status
  • High minimum deposits
  • Limited trading account options
  • Website no longer available

Is ALtex ALX Trade legit or a scam?

ALtex ALX Trade is currently not regulated by any financial authority, and its official website is unavailable. Additionally, the company is listed as dissolved since April 30, 2013, as per Gov.UK records.

Is ALtex ALX Trade legit or a scam?
Is ALtex ALX Trade legit or a scam?

Account Types

Altex ALX Trade provided four types of trading accounts: Premium, VIP, ECN, and Live accounts. The Premium account, requiring a minimum deposit of $50,000, and the VIP account, with a $20,000 minimum deposit, both offered maximum leverage of 1:500, appealing to experienced traders with substantial capital. The ECN account, suitable for those preferring direct market access, required a $10,000 deposit and had a maximum leverage of 1:100. Lastly, the Live account provided a lower leverage of 1:100 without a clear minimum deposit, for traders looking for live market trading with flexible capital requirements.

Account Type Minimum Deposit Maximum Leverage
Premium $50,000 1:500
VIP $20,000 1:500
ECN $10,000 1:100
Live Not specified 1:100


Altex ALX Trade provided a maximum leverage of up to 1:500 for Premium and VIP accounts, while the ECN and Live accounts had a maximum leverage of 1:100.


Customer Support


Company address: 2 The Priory Queensway, Birmingham B4 7LJ


Altex ALX Trade, which operated from 2005 to 2013, lacked regulatory oversight, limiting its credibility. Despite offering leverage up to 1:500 and four account types, the high minimum deposits—ranging from $10,000 to $50,000—restricted accessibility. The company's dissolved status, lack of regulation, and inactive website point to an unreliable broker that does not meet contemporary trading standards.


Q: Is Altex ALX Trade regulated?

A: No, the company isn't regulated by any financial authority.

Q: What is the current status of Altex ALX Trade?

A: Altex ALX Trade was dissolved on April 30, 2013.

Q: What were the minimum deposits required for different Altex ALX Trade accounts?

A: The minimum deposits ranged from $10,000 to $50,000.

Q: What trading account options did Altex ALX Trade offer?

A: The broker offered four account types: Premium, VIP, ECN, and Live.

Q: Is Altex ALX Trade's website available?

A: No, its website is currently unavailable.

Q: What was the maximum leverage offered by Altex ALX Trade?

A: Leverage was up to 1:500 for Premium and VIP accounts and 1:100 for ECN and Live accounts.

Risk Warning

Online trading poses substantial risks, with the potential for complete loss of invested capital, rendering it unsuitable for all traders. It is imperative to comprehend the inherent risks and acknowledge that the information provided in this review is subject to change due to continuous updates in the company's services and policies.

Additionally, the review's generation date is a critical consideration, as information may have evolved since then. We strongly advise readers to verify updated details directly with the company before making any decisions, as the readers must be aware of and willing to accept the inherent risks involved in utilizing this information.

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more than one year
This company seems to require a very high threshold to open an account. None of that matters though, since its website is down, I think it's out of business.
2022-12-12 12:11
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