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Egypt|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Previous Detection : 2024-06-11
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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SIGMA CAPITAL · Company Summary

SIGMA CAPITAL Review Summary
Founded 2000
Registered Country/Region Egypt
Regulation No Regulation
Market Instruments Securities
Demo Account Available
Services Securities Brokerage, Asset Management, Investment Banking, Private Equity, Insurance Brokerage
Customer Support Phone: +202 33357575 | 16675
Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin


Established in 2000, SIGMA Capital Holding claims to be one of the leading financial services companies in Egypt providing top-notch quality to the regional market. SIGMA Capital's first endeavor in Egypt was to establish its securities brokerage business, expanding its' service offerings to include custody, investment banking, asset management and private equity. However, it operates under no valid regulation.

SIGMA CAPITAL's homepage

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
  • Established presence
  • Lack of regulation
  • Diversified services
  • Limited information
  • Accessibility


Established presence: With a founding date of 2000, SIGMA Capital has been operating in the financial services industry for over two decades, indicating a level of experience and stability.

Diversified services: SIGMA Capital offers a range of financial services beyond securities brokerage, including custody, investment banking, asset management, and private equity, providing clients with a variety of options.

Accessibility: The availability of a demo account and multiple customer support channels, such as phone, email, and social media, suggests an advantage in customer service and accessibility.


Lack of regulation: Operating without valid regulation is the major drawback to the company's transparency, accountability, and adherence to industry standards and best practices.

Limited information: There is limited public information available about the company's financial standing, operations, and compliance practices, making it challenging to assess its credibility and reliability.

Is SIGMA CAPITAL Safe or Scam?

It's difficult to definitively label it as “safe” or “scam” based on limited information. However, due to the inherent risks associated with the lack of regulation, it's strongly recommended to avoid using SIGMA CAPITAL.

Unregulated brokers operate outside the oversight of financial authorities. This lack of supervision raises significant concerns about:

Fairness: No guarantee of fair business practices or ethical treatment of clients.

Security: No assurance that client funds are held securely or protected in case of insolvency.

Dispute resolution: Limited recourse in case of conflicts or disagreements with the company.

Potential for scams: Unregulated firms are more susceptible to engaging in fraudulent activities.

No license


SIGMA Capital provides a range of financial products and services to its clients, covering various aspects of the financial market.


Securities Brokerage: SIGMA Capital offers securities brokerage services, positioning itself as a leader in the Egyptian market. It has been at the forefront of introducing new features like online trading and account management.

Asset Management: In 2013, SIGMA Capital acquired Pireaus Egypt Asset Management, which was subsequently renamed SIGMA Asset Management. This service provides clients with various investment channels to achieve high returns on investment, catering to those who prefer not to actively manage their investments.

Investment Banking: SIGMA Capital has a history of engaging in investment banking transactions with major companies in the Egyptian market. It offers financial consulting services to aid in the growth and development of businesses.


Private Equity: SIGMA Capital's private equity arm focuses on maximizing return on investment by selecting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with high growth potential and acquiring direct stakes in them. It particularly targets businesses in consumer goods and services sectors such as food and beverage and retail financial services.

Insurance Brokerage: In 2014, SIGMA Capital acquired the license of Piraeus Insurance Brokerage with the aim of entering the insurance brokerage market. This move was driven by the company's recognition of the need for financial products in the Egyptian market, including insurance products. SIGMA Capital planned to launch its insurance brokerage service by 2016.

Market Instruments

SIGMA Capital's primary market instruments include securities, with a focus on indexes such as EGX30, EGX30C, EGX70E, EGX100, and others. These indexes represent baskets of stocks that track the performance of the Egyptian stock market. By investing in securities linked to these indexes, SIGMA Capital can provide its clients with exposure to a diversified portfolio of stocks, allowing for potential capital appreciation and income generation.

Market Instruments

Customer Service

SIGMA Capital provides customer support through various channels, including phone and email. You can reach them at +202 33357575 or 16675 for assistance. You can also contact them via email at Additionally, they are active on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin, where you can connect with them for support and updates.

contact details


In summary, SIGMA Capital is a prominent financial services provider in Egypt, offering a wide range of services including securities brokerage, asset management, investment banking, private equity, and insurance brokerage. However, it operates without regulatory oversight, which impacts transparency and investor protection. It is strongly recommended to avoid using it. Your financial safety is paramount, and choosing a regulated broker is essential to ensure safeguards for your investments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is SIGMA CAPITAL regulated?

A: No, it operates without valid regulation.

Q: What services does SIGMA Capital offer?

A: SIGMA Capital offers a range of financial services including securities brokerage, asset management, investment banking, private equity, and insurance brokerage.

Q: Does SIGMA Capital offer a demo account?

A: Yes.

Q: What market instruments does SIGMA Capital trade?

A: SIGMA Capital primarily trades securities, including indexes such as EGX30, EGX30C, EGX70E, EGX100, and others.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name


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Regulatory Status

No Regulation

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Company Summary

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more than one year
Honestly, I wish I could give Sigma Capital a no-star rating. They gave me the impression that I would get my money back, but it turned out to be the opposite. I've been in constant communication with their customer service, but all they seem to do is spin stories, claiming that I'll have to pay more to get my money back.
2024-01-15 23:41
more than one year
Sigma Capital, in my experience, is a mixed bag as a forex trading platform. On the positive side, their user interface is fairly intuitive, making it easy for beginners to navigate. However, their customer support can be frustratingly slow to respond, especially during peak trading hours. The trading fees are reasonable, but I've noticed occasional slippage in execution, impacting my trades. Account verification processes can be cumbersome, causing delays.
2023-12-27 01:05
more than one year
The website of SIGMA CAPITAL looks terrible. I had a hard time finding the information I needed, and the design is unprofessional. It made me doubt the legitimacy of the company, and I wouldn't trust them with my investments. They need to improve their website if they want to be taken seriously in the industry.
2023-03-24 15:31
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