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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!

Kraemfx Trading

United States|2-5 years|
White label MT5|Regional Brokers|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

White Label

Server Name
KraemfxTrading-Server MT5
Server Location Hong Kong

The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


VPS Standard
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Single Core



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Company Name

Kraemfx Trading Co Ltd

Company Abbreviation

Kraemfx Trading

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United States

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Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-06-12
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 9 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

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Pyramid scheme complaint

    Kraemfx Trading · Company Summary

    Kraemfx Trading

    General Information

    Headquartered in London, UK, Kraemfx Trading Co Ltd is a brokerage firm offering a wide range of trading instruments. This company says it has a wide range of clientele, with annual transaction volume of more than hundreds of billions of dollars.

    To give its clients an excellent trading atmosphere, Kraemfx Trading offers more than 400 trading products, leverage up to 1:500, as well as 24-hour customer care to solve any trading-related issues.

    Market Instruments

    Four classes of trading instruments including foreign exchange, crude oil, index available through the brokerage platform. Traders have the freedom to select one of them to use based on the preferences that they have towards trading.

    Account Types

    Trading accounts are designed for both retail and professional traders, which include Standard accounts and VIP accounts. Obviously, the first account is more suitable for novice traders, with the minimum initial deposit from $500, a little bit high threshold. With standard accounts, you can trade foreign exchange, commodities, precious metals, and CFD products. VIP account holders can enjoy more competitive spreads and lower trading costs.



    The maximum trading leverage offered by Kraemfx Trading is up to 1:500, which is a generous offering, ideal for professional traders and scalpers as it presents more overall trading flexibility, which directly impacts profitability. However, since leverage can magnify your profits, but it can also cause to fund losses, especially to inexperienced traders. Therefore, it is essential for traders to choose the proper amount based on their risk tolerance.

    Spreads & Commissions

    Spreads and commissions are determined by trading accounts. With Standard accounts, average spreads conditions are offered, in line with the industry standards. And VIP accounts offer raw spreads as low as 0.0 pips, yet with certain commissions charged.

    Trading Platform Available

    Kraemfx Trading offers its clients access to the worlds most popular trading platform-MetaTrader 5. The MetaTrader5 platform is suitable for your skill level and trading approach, regardless of whether you are an experienced trader or just starting out. The platform provides users with sophisticated tools for technical analysis, automatic trading capabilities (EAs), and mobile applications, all of which are utilized by millions of traders all over the world. Traders are also able to examine their orders, trades, account details, and keep up to date with the most recent market circumstances thanks to the intuitive user interface that is provided by the platform.


    Deposit & Withdrawal

    Concerning deposit and withdrawal, Kraemfx Trading does not make this part clear. Some common and popular payment options supported by most forex brokers include Wire Transfer, MasterCard, VISA, Maestro, as well as a series of e-wallet processors like Skrill, Neteller, PayPal, and more. One of the most important aspects in determining the trustworthiness of a forex broker is the speed with which funds may be withdrawn.

    Customer Support

    A broker's ability to provide excellent customer service cannot be understated. As for the contact information, Kraemfx Trading offers clients with any trading-related issues access to its 24 online customer care through its global customer service line:

    Company registered address: Apartment 1804 55 Upper Ground, London, England, SE1 9EY, United Kingdom.

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