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United States|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+1 (313)466-6660


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Previous Detection : 2024-06-12
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Pionex · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Pionex
Registered Country/Area United States
Years 1-2 years
Regulation Unregulated
Structured Products Dual Investment, Trading Bots, Institutional Products, Alt-Coin Products, Investment Funds, and Research
Demo Account Yes
Customer Support Email: and Livechat
Deposit & Withdrawal Pionew UAB, AlchemyPay, and Sepa/Sepa Instant
Educational Resources Announcements and Blogs

Overview of Pionex

Pionex, a trading platform in the United States for 1-2 years, offers various tools for users. Even though it's not regulated, it provides features like Dual Investment, allowing users to buy low and earn interest, and Trading Bots for automated strategies. Institutional Products are for high-volume traders, Alt-Coin Products for exploring new coins, and Investment Funds for professional portfolio management.

Customer support is available through email and live chat. You can deposit and withdraw using Pionew UAB, AlchemyPay, and Sepa/Sepa Instant. Educational resources include announcements and blogs for staying informed and learning about crypto.

Overview of Pionex

Regulatory Status

Pionex operates as an unregulated trading platform, meaning it does not fall under the oversight of any financial regulatory authority. Traders and investors should be aware that the absence of regulatory supervision may entail additional risk.

In unregulated environments, clients may have limited recourse and protection in the event of disputes or unforeseen issues.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Different Product Range Unregulated
User-Friendly Interface Limited Operating History
Institutional Solutions Restricted Deposit Methods
Automated Trading Limited Customer Support Channels
Various Educational Resources /


  1. Different Product Range: Pionex's array of investment tools for different trading styles and preferences, provides users with flexibility.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: The platform boasts a user-friendly interface, ensuring an accessible and intuitive experience for traders at various skill levels.

  3. Institutional Solutions: Institutional Products offer solutions for high-volume traders, enhancing the platform's appeal to a broader user base.

  4. Automated Trading: The Trading Bots feature reduces the impact of emotional decision-making, allowing for more disciplined and strategic trading.

  5. Various Educational Resources: The inclusion of Announcements and Blogs as educational resources helps users stay informed about market trends and deepen their understanding of cryptocurrency trading.


  1. Unregulated: The absence of regulatory oversight may be concerning, as there's no external authority overseeing the platform's operations.

  2. Limited Operating History: Pionex's relatively short operating history (1-2 years) may make some users hesitant, especially when compared to more established platforms.

  3. Restricted Deposit Methods: While Pionex offers various deposit options, users may find the selection limited compared to platforms with more extensive choices.

  4. Limited Customer Support Channels: While live chat and email support are available, users might find the options for customer assistance somewhat limited, especially compared to platforms with more extensive support channels.

Structured Products

Our platform provides features for a well-rounded investment experience:

  1. Dual Investment: Secure crypto at a target price and earn interest until settlement, minimizing risk in volatile markets.

  2. Trading Bots: Automate your strategy 24/7 without emotional influence. Choose from various bots for different strategies like grid trading and trailing stop-loss.

  3. Institutional Products: Tailored options for large-scale traders, OTC trading for increased privacy, and dedicated account managers for personalized service.

  4. Alt-Coin Products: Trade and invest in promising altcoins, diversify your portfolio, and access early-stage opportunities.

  5. Investment Funds: Professionally managed crypto portfolios, passive investment options, and a variety of risk profiles.

  6. Research & Analysis: Stay informed with market reports, educational content, and expert opinions for well-informed decisions.

Structured Products

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with Pionex is a straightforward process that can be completed online in minutes. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved:

  1. Visit the Pionex website and click “Sign in.”

How to Open an Account?
  1. Fill out the online application form: The form will request your personal information Be sure to have your identification documents (passport or ID card) and proof of address handy for uploading.

  2. Fund your account: Pionex offers various deposit methods, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and e-wallets. Choose your preferred method and follow the instructions to complete the deposit.

  3. Verify your account: Once your account is funded, you'll need to verify your identity and address. This typically involves submitting scanned copies of your ID documents and proof of address.

  4. Start trading: Once your account is verified, you're ready to explore the Pionex trading platform and start making trades.

How to Open an Account?

Deposit & Withdrawal

Pionex offers deposit and withdrawal options, each with unique strengths and drawbacks. Pionew UAB boasts direct EUR transfers with fast processing but limited reach. AlchemyPay provides global access with various payment methods but involves crypto conversion and potential fees. SEPA/SEPA Instant shines for fast, low-cost EUR transfers within the European network, but its reach and currency options are restricted.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

Customer Support

Educational Resources

Pionex offers valuable educational resources through announcements and blogs:

  1. Announcements: Stay updated with the latest platform news, updates, and important announcements that may impact your trading.

  2. Blog: Access insightful articles, market analysis, and educational content. Enhance your knowledge of trading strategies, market trends, and various aspects of cryptocurrency trading.

Educational Resources


Pionex, a cryptocurrency platform, is easy to use and offers various tools for trading. It introduces cool features like Dual Investment and Trading Bots, providing different ways to approach crypto. While it's user-friendly, be cautious – Pionex is relatively new and lacks regulation. Customer support is limited, and deposit options are not extensive.

If you're into crypto, consider these factors before diving in.


Q: How to Deposit Crypto on Web?

A: Please select the corresponding token and network on the withdrawal platform for withdrawal. (e.g. If you choose BSC(BEP20) to withdraw USDT, you have to select BSC address for USDT.)

Q: How to view Withdrawal status at Pionex?

A: Web: Pionex home page > Wallet > Withdraw > Check the order status in the withdrawal history.

APP: Pionex APP > Withdraw > Click the clock button above > Check the withdrawal process

Q: Why do some coins need a memo/tag?

A: Some networks use the same address for all users, so the memo/tag helps to identify the transfer transaction. For example, when depositing XRP, you'll need to fill in both the address and memo/tag to successfully deposit. If you enter the wrong memo/tag, please fill out the form and wait for 7-15 business days.

Q: How to delete an account

A: Log in to your Pionex account on the App version, Press the “Account” at the bottom of the toolbar, and click “Settings” -> “Profile” -> “Delete account”

Q: How to Reset Password when Google 2FA is lost?

A: Please send an email to with the title “I would like to reset my Google 2FA” and answer the following questions in the content.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United States

Phone of the company
  • +1 (313)466-6660









Company address










Customer Service Email Address
  • Support@Pionexuphold.Online

Company Summary

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