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Matic Trade

Argentina|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


Rating Index

Balbastro 58, Remedios de Escalada, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account. Support service provided by WikiFX

Single Core



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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-10
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Matic Trade · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country Buenos Aires, Argentina
Company Name Matic Trade
Regulation None
Services Forex trading, agriculture investments, oil and gas opportunities, real estate ventures, retirement and insurance services, gold trading
Investment Plan Three investment plans offering different returns, investment ranges, referral bonuses, and durations
Deposit and Withdrawal Streamlined processes for depositing funds into trading accounts and withdrawing profits, including detailed steps and processing times
Customer Support Dedicated team located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, offering support via email at, ensuring prompt and effective assistance


Matic Trade, headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina, provides a comprehensive array of financial services, including Forex trading, agriculture investments, oil and gas opportunities, real estate ventures, retirement and insurance services, and gold trading. The company offers three investment plans with varying returns, investment ranges, referral bonuses, and durations, catering to different investor preferences. It boasts streamlined processes for depositing funds and withdrawing profits, accompanied by detailed steps and processing times. Additionally, Matic Trade ensures prompt and effective customer support through its dedicated team based in Buenos Aires, reachable via email at



Matic Trade operates without regulatory oversight as a broker, exposing investors to potential risks. Due diligence is essential before engaging with the platform to mitigate the absence of regulatory safeguards. Without such oversight, investors may face challenges in resolving disputes or recovering losses.


Pros and Cons

Matic Trade offers a diverse range of financial services, including Forex trading, agriculture investments, oil and gas opportunities, real estate ventures, retirement and insurance services, and gold trading. However, the platform operates without regulatory oversight, exposing investors to potential risks. Despite this, clients can benefit from prompt and effective customer support services.

Pros Cons
  • Diverse range of financial services
  • Lack of regulatory oversight exposes investors to potential risks
  • Prompt and effective customer support
  • Redirects to 404 pages on some website links
  • Convenient deposit and withdrawal processes
  • Opportunities for various investment avenues
  • Dedicated team located for personalized assistance

In summary, while Matic Trade provides a diverse range of financial services and offers prompt customer support, the absence of regulatory oversight and suspicious website redirects may pose risks to investors.


At Matic Trade, clients benefit from a comprehensive suite of financial services across multiple sectors:

  1. Forex Trading: Access to the foreign exchange market for currency trading.

  2. Agriculture Investments: Opportunities to invest in agricultural commodities such as grains, livestock, and agricultural land.

  3. Oil and Gas: Investment options in the oil and gas sector, including exploration, production, and distribution.

  4. Real Estate: Access to real estate investment opportunities, including property development, rental income, and real estate investment trusts (REITs).

  5. Retirement and Insurance Services: Retirement planning services, including pension funds, annuities, and insurance products to safeguard financial futures.

  6. Gold Trading: Facilities for trading gold, a popular commodity for investors seeking diversification and hedging against economic uncertainty.

Matic Trade aims to provide a comprehensive and diversified range of financial services to meet the varied needs and investment preferences of its clients.


Investment Plans

Plan Returns Investment Range Referral Bonus Duration
Plan 1 10% USD 100 - USD 500 10% 24 Hours
Plan 2 15% USD 1,000 - USD 5,000 10% 2 Days
Plan 3 50% USD 5,000 - Unlimited 10% 4 Days

These investment plans offer different returns, investment ranges, referral bonuses, and durations to accommodate various investor preferences and goals.

Investment Plans

Deposit & Withdrawal

Matic Trade offers a streamlined process for both depositing funds into your trading account and withdrawing profits:

Deposit Process:

  1. Login: Access your account and navigate to the DASHBOARD section.

  2. Click on DEPOSITS: Select the DEPOSITS button to initiate the deposit process.

  3. Choose Deposit Option: Pick your preferred deposit method from the available options.

  4. Follow Steps: Follow the provided instructions to complete the transaction securely.

Withdrawal Process:

  1. Login: Log in to your Matic Trade account.

  2. Click on WITHDRAW: Locate the WITHDRAW button at the top center of your dashboard.

  3. Input Details: Enter the necessary details, including the withdrawal amount and your wallet address.

  4. Submit Request: Once the details are provided, submit your withdrawal request for processing.

Processing Time for Withdrawals:

Upon receiving your withdrawal request, Matic Trade endeavors to process it promptly. Typically, withdrawals are processed immediately upon request, and the funds are sent to the wallet address provided. However, actual transfer times may vary depending on factors such as network congestion and blockchain confirmations for cryptocurrency transactions. Overall, Matic Trade aims to ensure swift and efficient processing of withdrawal requests to provide a seamless user experience.

Customer Support

Matic Trade provides robust customer support services to address inquiries and concerns promptly and effectively. With its dedicated team located at Balbastro 58, Remedios de Escalada, Buenos Aires, Argentina, clients can expect personalized assistance tailored to their needs. Whether through email communication at or other available channels, the support team endeavors to provide timely responses and solutions to ensure a positive trading experience. Matic Trade prioritizes customer satisfaction by offering reliable support to guide users through any issues they may encounter.

Customer Support


In summary, Matic Trade offers a range of financial services including Forex trading, agriculture investments, oil and gas opportunities, real estate ventures, retirement and insurance services, as well as gold trading. While the platform lacks regulatory oversight, clients can access a comprehensive suite of services to meet their investment needs. However, users should exercise caution, especially considering the suspicious redirects to 404 pages on the website. Nevertheless, Matic Trade aims to provide prompt and effective customer support to ensure a positive trading experience for its clients.


Q1: How can I deposit funds into my trading account?

A1: Simply log in to your account, navigate to the DASHBOARD section, click on DEPOSITS, choose your preferred deposit option, and follow the provided instructions to complete the transaction securely.

Q2: What financial services does Matic Trade offer?

A2: Matic Trade offers a range of services including Forex trading, agriculture investments, oil and gas opportunities, real estate ventures, retirement and insurance services, and gold trading.

Q3: What is the processing time for withdrawals?

A3: Upon receiving your withdrawal request, Matic Trade aims to process it promptly. Typically, withdrawals are processed immediately upon request, with funds sent to the provided wallet address.

Q4: Where is Matic Trade's customer support located?

A4: The dedicated customer support team is located at Balbastro 58, Remedios de Escalada, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and can be reached via email at

Q5: Is Matic Trade regulated?

A5: No, Matic Trade operates without regulatory oversight as a broker, which exposes investors to potential risks. Therefore, thorough due diligence is recommended before engaging with the platform.

Risk Warning

Online trading carries substantial risk, potentially leading to the total loss of invested funds. It may not be appropriate for all traders or investors. It's crucial to fully comprehend the associated risks before engaging in trading activities. Additionally, the content of this review is subject to change, reflecting updates in the company's services and policies. The review's creation date is also relevant, as information could have become outdated. Readers should confirm the latest information with the company prior to making any investment decisions. The responsibility for utilizing the information provided herein lies exclusively with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name

Matic Trade

Company Abbreviation

Matic Trade

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Company website
Phone of the company










Company address
  • Balbastro 58, Remedios de Escalada, Buenos Aires, Argentina.









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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