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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!

Aly Financial

Hong Kong|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


Rating Index


+852 76790182
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account. Support service provided by WikiFX

Single Core



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Contact number


+852 76790182

Broker Information


Company Name

Aly Financial Limited

Company Abbreviation

Aly Financial

Platform registered country and region

Hong Kong

Company website

Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-06-09
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

WikiFX Verification

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Pyramid scheme complaint

Be careful that Acdx and Aly financial have been defrauded by international fraud groups to deposit money but do not allow money to be withdrawn.

Be careful of these two transaction pages: ( and ( People who met from dating software, within two months, slowly dig out personal investment, money and financial information from their conversations with each other, Then abducted into Acdx and Aly financial limited to do foreign exchange transactions. The lies prepared by the other party and every conversation will make you feel like a normal conversation, but once you encounter a transaction problem or an overweight problem, the other party will actively ask you what to do. Stop being deceived by fake friendships or fake love. Because the fraud group really acted very can get the rank of Oscar winner and actress. When you are sick, it will give you cold and warmth, and you will not feel well when you eat, so you will find information on the Internet specially, and then warn you about how it is not good for your health. Because I believe in netizens, I have gradually increased from 100,000 to 500,000, and then I have been deceived by abnormal deposits and other expenses. I have been deceived up to 1 million. During these processes, every time I thought I could withdraw money, but every time I just asked you to pay for another item... As a result, this scam, while the netizen comforted me and brainwashed me, was in front of the computer in front of the cold-blooded customer service. Finally, they are an international fraud group. Don't trust photos or videos. Videos can use high technology to deceive your eyes, so the personal photos you get are fake. People in Asia, such as China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, please don't invest any more money in these two places. They will continue to create new web pages in the future, but please trust the online rating, supervision, and your own intuition.

2022-05-26 13:35

Aly Financial · Company Summary

Aly Financial Basic Information

General Information

Registered in Hong Kong, Aly Financial is an online forex broker boasting to offers its clients access to various popular financial markets, such as Foreign Exchange, Crude Oil, Index, Gold and Silver, and more. The minimum deposit to invest with Aly Financial is $100, and with this brokerage platform, traders can use leverage up to 1:100. 24 X 7 customer support is said to be at hand to solve traders trading problems.

Is Aly Financial safe to trade with

When it comes to regulation, Aly Financial makes us quite disappointed.

It has been verified that Aly Financial is not authorized or regulated by any regulatory authorities. Thats why its regulatory status on WikiFX is classified as “No License” and it only manages a score of 1.10 out of 10 overall.

Online trading on forex and leveraged instruments contains a high level of risk, and trading with an unregulated forex broker is taking a huge risk of losing your deposited funds. Before deciding on which forex broker to use, investors are advised to use WikiFX to check out forex brokers regulatory information.


Market Instruments

Aly Financial hypes that investors can get access to a massive financial markets. Different types of trading assets including Foreign Exchange, Precious Metals (Gold and Silver), Crude Oil, Index are all available through this brokerage platform.

Market Instruments

Minimum Deposit

Investors are required to fund at least $100 to invest with Aly Financial, which sounds acceptable for most regular traders. although this is a reasonable investment requirement, investors are advised not to trade with this broker given the fact that it is an unregulated one.


Aly Financial allows traders to use leverage of up to 1:100, which is much above the levels considered appropriate by many regulators to protect retail traders.

Bear in mind that high leverage is not necessarily always the good thing, as it can magnify gains as well as losses. It is important for traders to choose the proper amount that they feel most at ease.

Spreads & Commissions

Aly Financial boasts that it offers raw spreads on its homepage. However, this is probably a typically tactic used by most unregulated forex broker to attract investors, as it fails to provide further spreads details.

Trading Platform

Aly Financial offers its customers the leading MT5 trading platform. The MT5 trading platform comes with advanced trading capabilities, as well as excellent tools for technical and fundamental analysis. MT5 can also automate trading by using expert advisors and algorithms signals.

Customer Support

Aly Financial says it offers 24/7 customer support, and traders with any inquiries or trading platform can get in touch with Aly Financial through the following channels:


Email: +85276790182


Risk Warning

There is a level of danger that comes with trading on the financial markets. As sophisticated instruments, foreign exchange, futures, CFDs, and other financial contracts are typically traded using margin, which significantly increases the inherent risks involved. You can use the leverage to your benefit or to your detriment. Therefore, you should consider carefully whether or not this sort of investment activity is right for you.

Please note the information contained in this article is for general information purposes only.

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more than one year
Don’t trust Aly Financial with your money!!! If I could give lesser than a star I would easily input. I haven't been able to withdraw any of the money I put in. They are big liars!
2022-12-06 15:47
Ken Brody
more than one year
Alyfx, trading via MT5, holds my funds of $289,614 usd and refuses all withdrawals. They have increased their spreads on common Forex pairs to 30 pips, which is absurd. Alice at customer service says I must do a single trade at more than 50% equity to allow further activity. This is a suicide trade. My introduction to this platform was by July Chou, who now refuses contact. This is a “pig butchering” scam. Account 670648.
2022-10-02 08:21
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