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United Kingdom|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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44 2035191750


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Previous Detection : 2024-06-10
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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Mercuryo · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Mercuryo
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Years 2-5 years
Regulation Unregulated
Products On- and off-ramps and Pro
Customer Support Livechat and Email:
Deposit & Withdrawal Master Card and VISA

Overview of Mercuryo

Mercuryo is a global company specializing in creating a new generation of financial services tailored for leading web3 and fintech applications. Based in the United Kingdom, the company has been operating for 2-5 years. Despite its presence in the financial services sector, Mercuryo operates in an unregulated environment, meaning it may not be subject to oversight by financial regulatory authorities.

Mercuryo offers a range of products and services to its customers. This includes both on- and off-ramps services, facilitating the conversion of traditional fiat currency to cryptocurrency and vice versa. Additionally, Mercuryo provides Pro services.

Customer support is available through live chat and email. Deposits and withdrawals on Mercuryo can be made using MasterCard and VISA. These payment methods provide users with convenient options for funding their accounts and withdrawing funds.

Overview of Mercuryo

Regulatory Status

Mercuryo operates as an unregulated trading platform. Regulatory barriers can limit access to financial services for certain segments of the population, particularly in underserved or marginalized communities. However, operating without regulation may exacerbate existing inequalities and vulnerabilities, as customers may face higher risks of exploitation, discrimination, and financial exclusion.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Provides on- and off-ramps for cryptocurrencies. Lack of regulatory oversight.
Offers live chat and email support. Limited transparency
Accepts Mastercard and Visa. /


  1. Provides on- and off-ramps for cryptocurrencies: Mercuryo offers convenient on-ramp services for users to purchase cryptocurrencies with traditional fiat currencies and off-ramp services for converting cryptocurrencies back to fiat.

  2. Offers live chat and email support: Mercuryo provides accessible customer support through live chat and email, which can be beneficial for users needing assistance or resolving issues.

  3. Accepts Mastercard and Visa: Mercuryo accepts widely used payment methods such as Mastercard and Visa, making it convenient for users to deposit funds and purchase cryptocurrencies.


  1. Lack of regulatory oversight: Being unregulated means there may be fewer safeguards and consumer protections in place compared to regulated platforms, potentially exposing users to risks such as fraud or disputes.

  2. Limited transparency: Without regulatory oversight, Mercuryo may not be required to disclose certain information about its operations, financial status, or security practices, which could lead to a lack of transparency and accountability for users.


1. On- and Off-Ramps: Mercuryo's On- and Off-Ramps service provides users with convenient avenues for converting between traditional fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies. On-ramps facilitate the process of purchasing cryptocurrencies using fiat currency, while off-ramps enable users to convert their cryptocurrencies back into fiat.

2. Mercuryo Pro: Mercuryo Pro is a specialized offering designed specifically for high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) and institutional clients seeking a premium cryptocurrency onramping experience. Tailored for transactions of €50,000 or more, Mercuryo Pro ensures that transactions are handled with the utmost care, precision, and confidentiality.

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with Mercuryo is a straightforward process that can be completed online in a matter of minutes. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved:

  1. Visit the Mercuryo website and click “For Individuals.”

How to Open an Account?
  1. Fill out the online application form: The form will request your personal information Be sure to have your identification documents (passport or ID card) and proof of address handy for uploading.

  2. Fund your account: Mercuryo offers various deposit methods, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and e-wallets. Choose your preferred method and follow the instructions to complete the deposit.

  3. Verify your account: Once your account is funded, you'll need to verify your identity and address. This typically involves submitting scanned copies of your ID documents and proof of address.

  4. Start trading: Once your account is verified, you're ready to explore the Mercuryo trading platform and start making trades.

How to Open an Account?

Deposit & Withdrawal

Mercuryo enables users to fund their accounts or withdraw funds using their Mastercard or Visa cards, providing a convenient and familiar avenue for managing their finances within the platform.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

  1. Live Chat: Mercuryo's live chat feature allows users to engage directly with customer support representatives in real-time.

  2. Email Support: For users who prefer asynchronous communication or have non-urgent inquiries, Mercuryo provides support via email. Users can reach out to the designated support email address,, with their questions, concerns, or feedback.

Customer Support


In summary, Mercuryo offers convenient services like on- and off-ramps for cryptocurrencies, and it provides helpful support through live chat and email. Plus, it accepts widely used payment methods like Mastercard and Visa.


Question: What is Mercuryo?

Answer: Mercuryo is a digital asset exchange platform that facilitates the buying, selling, and exchanging of cryptocurrencies.

Question: How does Mercuryo work?

Answer: Mercuryo allows users to easily purchase cryptocurrencies using traditional fiat currencies through its on-ramp service. Users can also convert their cryptocurrencies back to fiat using the off-ramp service.

Question: What cryptocurrencies can I buy/sell on Mercuryo?

Answer: Mercuryo supports a variety of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), and many others.

Question: What payment methods does Mercuryo accept?

Answer: Mercuryo accepts payment methods such as Mastercard and Visa for purchasing cryptocurrencies.

Question: Is Mercuryo regulated?

Answer: No, Mercuryo is currently unregulated, which means it operates without oversight from financial regulatory authorities.

Question: How can I contact Mercuryo's customer support?

Answer: You can contact Mercuryo's customer support team through live chat on their website or by emailing

Broker Information

Company Name

Mercuryo Invest LTD

Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website
Phone of the company
  • 44 2035191750









Company address










Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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more than one year
They are scammers... Please guys don't fall for it, they scheme to make you think you are turning profits, and then when you want to withdraw you need to pay to receive the money. Once you pay they have all the excuses in the world to not send and make up stuff and rules along the way so that your transaction is not "verified".
2023-03-16 16:39
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