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Fake CMC Markets

Entry Time 2019-06-17

Time Machine

2021 years 9 Month
Time2021 years 9 Month

Fake CMC Markets · Company Summary

Basic Information
Registered Countries China
Regulation No regulation
Minimum Deposit $500
Maximum Leverage 1:200
Minimum Spread N/A
Trading Platform Counterfit MT4 trading platform
Trading Assets Forex
Customer Support No valid contact information

General Information

This Fake CMC Markets is a cloned broker pretending to be the legit CMC Markets, allegedly saying to offer a series of trading instruments. This Fake CMC Markets offers two types of trading accounts, Agency account and Personal account, with the minimum deposit to get started from $500.


This CMC Markets is just another cloned broker posing as that legit broker-CMC Market ( This fake one just pops up to defraud people and steal their money.


Account Types

Two types of trading accounts are available, namely Personal Accounts and Agency Accounts. No further details are given, and the minimum deposit to open either account is $500.


When it comes to leverage, Fake CMC Markets enables its clients to use the maximum trading leverage up to1:200, which is greater than the levels regarded appropriate by any regulators, with the maximum leverage for major currencies up to 1:30 in Europe and Australia, and 1:50 in the United States and Canada.

Since leverage can amplify both gains and losses, it can result in devastating losses for investors who lack experience. If you're just starting out in the trading world, it's best to stick with the lower size, no more than a 1:10.

Risk Warning

Trading leveraged products such as forex, cryptocurrencies and derivatives may not be suitable for all investors as they carry a high degree of risk to your capital. Please ensure that your fully understand the risks involved, taking into account your investments objectives and level of experience.

The information presented in this article is intended solely for reference purposes.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
None No regulation
Cloned broker
Poor customer support

Frequently Asked Questions

What trading instruments can I trade with on Fake CMC Markets

Trading products and services provided by Fake CMC Markets is not disclosed.

What account types does this Fake CMC Markets provide?

This Fake CMC Markets offers clients two types of trading accounts, namely Personal account and Agency Account.

What is the maximum leverage available?

The maximum trading leverage that is available on Fake CMC Markets platform is up to 1:400.


No data

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