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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|1-2 years|
MT4 Full License|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

Full License

Server Name
MuganFX-Main MT4
Server Location Cyprus


+372 8 162 06 32
Sent Vincent and Grenadines,Suite 305, Griffith Corpor. Center, Beachmont


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account. Support service provided by WikiFX

Single Core



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Warning: Low score, please stay away!
Previous Detection : 2024-06-12
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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MuganFX · Company Summary

MuganFX Review Summary
Registered Country/Region Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Regulation Non-regulated
Services Business Administration Services, Business Process Outsourcing, Design and Marketing Strategy, Financial Management, Information Technology, Payroll Management, Project Management
Demo Account N/A
Leverage 1:100
Minimum Deposit $50,000 - $250,000
Customer Support Contact Form, Tel: +994 123101261/+372 8 162 06 32, Email:

What is MuganFX?

MuganFX is a financial institution based in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. It's important to note that it's not regulated, suggesting that it doesn't operate under any financial regulatory authority oversight. Hence, caution and comprehensive research are advised before conducting transactions or business with MuganFX.

MuganFX's homepage

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
  • Various Kinds of Service Provided
  • Very High Minimum Deposit
  • Non-regulated


  • Various Kinds of Service Provided: MuganFX offers a range of services from Administration, HR, Payroll Management, Project Management, Design & Marketing Strategy, Financial Management, IT and BPO services which can cater to a wide range of client needs.


  • Very High Minimum Deposit: The minimum deposit for trading accounts at MuganFX ranges between $50,000 to $250,000, making it potentially inaccessible for small-scale or individual investors.

  • Non-regulated: MuganFX operates without regulation, which means they do not follow the oversight of any financial regulatory authorities. This can pose potential risks and requires clients to exercise caution and perform careful research before engaging in any business with them.

Is MuganFX Safe or Scam?

  • Regulatory Sight: MuganFX does not fall under the oversight of any financial regulatory authority as it is non-regulated. This means its operations and business practices are not subjected to the checks, regulations, and standards typically ensured by financial regulatory bodies. Potential clients and investors are advised to exercise a higher degree of caution when considering business with MuganFX.

No license
  • User Feedback: Users should check the reviews and feedback from other clients to gain a more comprehensive sight of the broker, or look for reviews on reputable websites and forums.

  • Security Measures: So far we haven't found any information about the security measures for this broker.


  • Business Administration: They provide effective, innovative, and customised solutions to alleviate businesses from daily administrative tasks.

  • Human Resources: MuganFX offers strategic HR solutions with a focus on positively impacting the bottom line and fostering company growth.

  • Payroll Management: They offer a payroll service that ensures accurate and confidential wage computation, helping businesses to save time and control costs.

  • Project Management: They support businesses in making better financial decisions that are aligned with their business strategy and vision, thereby unlocking resources through improved financial management.

  • Design & Marketing Strategy: MuganFX develops sharp marketing strategies aimed at consistently attracting customers for faster business growth.

  • Financial Management: They provide resources to enable better financial decisions that align with business strategy and vision, contributing to better resource allocation and financial management.

  • Information Technology: Moving away from the traditional break/fix support model, MuganFX offers IT support and services that aim to enhance the productivity of the business.

  • Business Process Outsourcing: Drawing from intelligence, innovation, and deep industry experience, their BPO service is designed to help businesses lower costs and increase efficiency.



MuganFX provides a leverage ratio of 1:100. This means that for every dollar a client trades with, they can control $100 in the market. This makes it possible to potentially achieve higher profits with a smaller initial deposit, but it should also be noted that this can lead to greater potential losses.

Deposit & Withdrawal

MuganFX requires a relatively high minimum deposit that ranges from $50,000 to $250,000. This range could potentially suggest that the company is catering to high-net-worth clients or institutional investors. However, the exact details and methods for depositing and withdrawing funds are not specified by the company. As such, potential clients are advised to contact the company directly to understand the various options available for deposit and withdrawal.

Customer Support

MuganFX offers multiple channels for customer support. Customers can reach out to them through a contact form available on their website. In addition, they have also provided phone support with two numbers: +994 123101261 and +372 81620632. Email support is also available and can be reached at and, offering several avenues for customers to get the help they need.

contact details


MuganFX is a financial company offering a wide array of services that span from HR and payroll management to IT and Business Process Outsourcing solutions. However, their non-regulated status and very high minimum deposit pose considerable risks, necessitating potential clients to exercise bravery and conduct comprehensive research before engaging.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What type of leverage does MuganFX offer?

A: MuganFX offers a leverage ratio of 1:100.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required by MuganFX?A: The minimum deposit required to open an account with MuganFX ranges between $50,000 to $250,000.

Q: Is MuganFX regulated?

A: No, MuganFX is non-regulated which means they do not operate under any financial regulatory authority oversight.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +372 8 162 06 32









Company address
  • Sent Vincent and Grenadines,Suite 305, Griffith Corpor. Center, Beachmont









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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