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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


Hong Kong|5-10 years|
White label MT5|The server is only located in China.|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


Rating Index

MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

White Label

Server Name
GoldSilverPreciousMetals-Live MT5
Server Location China


(+852) 3188 2277
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account. Support service provided by WikiFX

Single Core



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Contact number

Chinese (Simplified)

(+852) 3188 2277

Broker Information


Company Name

Gold Silver Precious Metals Limited

Company Abbreviation


Platform registered country and region

Hong Kong

Company website

Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-06-12
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 6 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

WikiFX Verification

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Pyramid scheme complaint

Over 600 thousand yuan was scammed by Chen Jianfeng and Ma Changjiang. The service disappeared!

In last July, seeing the recommendation on bull stock, I joined the group named Hero Alliance led by Ma Chgangjiang, Chen Jianfeng, Zhang Dawei and Wang Jianghua. They taught lessons on They claimed that they wanted to operate a stock to achieve 500% profit, with 5 billion fund. Under their guidance, I opened an account. Users are divided into different groups guided by Ma and Chen according to the level of account fund. I was led by Chen, with my fund below 1 million. On his recommendation, we lost all funds. Then Ma asked us to add fund, claiming to recover the loss. When the price of XAU/USD was on the ascendance, he told us to go short without setting the stop0loss price, causing even huger losses. I suffered a loss of 600 thousand. Then they divided the 100-person group into small groups. Having asked them to buy 2 stocks, they disappeared.

2020-05-18 17:53

Great losses caused by teachers’ reverse order recommendations in Gsgold

I am the victim of Gsgold .My experience is true.In this September,I received a strange call that claimed that their stock company were holding a special activity,in which there were teachers who recommended stock and gave lessons in live-broadcasting room.I didn’t cre much.One week later,I was pulled into a stock exchange group, of which I didn’t suspicious.Later,I found that this person was something and many members profited with his instruction.I also joined and made a little profit.Then he suddenly said that he figured out a new platform Gsgold ,in which the return was higher.I took this chance and downloaded the Gsgold APP,registering an account.The teacher said that they had a internal group,which I entered without hesitation.I deposited 100000 RMB in Gsgold to follow the teacher’s instruction.At that night,the teacher gave order recommendation in the group and many members followed,thus sending the screenshots.All paid high praise on the teacher.I joined and made losses.The teacher said that the time was not right and asked me to add fund to recover the losses.After depositing 200000 RMB,I lost it again.

2019-10-30 11:18

    Gsgold · Company Summary

    Note: Since Gsgolds official site ( is not accessible while writing this introduction, only a cursory understanding can be obtained from the Internet.

    General Information & Regulation

    Gsgold, a trading name of Gold Silver Precious Metals Limited, is allegedly a suspicious fake clone broker registered in Hong Kong that claims to provide its clients with precious metals trading on the worlds most trusted and popular MetaTrader5 trading platform. Unluckily, other more detailed information about this broker is not available on the Internet.

    Market Instruments

    Gsgold is a precious metals broker that mainly offers precious metals trading such as gold and silver.

    Trading Platform Available

    The platform available for trading at Gsgold is the industry-standard MetaTrader5 trading platform. Forex traders praise MetaTrader's stability and trustworthiness as the most popular forex trading platform. Expert Advisors, Algo trading, Complex indicators, and Strategy testers are some of the sophisticated trading tools available on this platform. There are currently 10,000+ trading apps available on the Metatrader marketplace that traders can use to improve their performance. By using the right mobile terminals, including iOS and Android devices, you can trade from anywhere and at any time through MT4 and MT5.

    Customer Support

    Gsgold‘s customer support can be reached by telephone: (+852) 3188 2277, email: However, this broker doesn’t disclose other more direct contact information like the company address that most brokers offer.

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