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Binance Breach? Trader Loses $1M to Hacking Scam

Binance Breach? Trader Loses $1M to Hacking Scam

A Chinese trader fell prey to a sophisticated hacking scam on Binance, losing $1 million after hackers exploited a deceptive Chrome plugin, Aggr, to bypass security measures, execute leveraged trades, and manipulate low liquidity trading pairs, raising questions about Binance's security protocols and responsibility for compensating such losses.

News 2024-06-04 16:29
BSP Considers Rate Cut, Peso Value Under Watch

BSP Considers Rate Cut, Peso Value Under Watch

Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas Governor hints at a possible rate cut before the US Federal Reserve, affecting the peso's strength.

News 2024-06-04 15:42
Hong Kong Police Warns of Rising Digital Asset-Linked Crime

Hong Kong Police Warns of Rising Digital Asset-Linked Crime

A surge in digital asset crime prompts the Hong Kong Police Advisory Group to call for a regulatory system and public awareness initiatives.

News 2024-06-04 14:29
Italian CONSOB Exposed 5 Unauthorized Financial Websites

Italian CONSOB Exposed 5 Unauthorized Financial Websites

Italy’s regulator CONSOB warned about the fraudulent websites impersonating legitimate investment firms. These websites aim to deceive unsuspecting investors into providing personal information or making financial transactions.

Exposure 2024-06-04 14:17
iFOREX Launched Innovative AI Trading Assistant

iFOREX Launched Innovative AI Trading Assistant

A well-known renowned broker, iFOREX introduced a new artificial intelligence tool to improve users' trading experiences. This innovative artificial intelligence assistant is now available on the iFOREX website, providing traders with rapid responses to their questions about trading with this respected broker.

News 2024-06-03 18:46
USD/JPY Surges Beyond Key Threshold Ahead of BoJ Meeting

USD/JPY Surges Beyond Key Threshold Ahead of BoJ Meeting

Enhance your trading acumen and stay ahead of the curve. Access the Japanese yen Q2 outlook today for exclusive insights into pivotal market drivers every trader should be monitoring:

News 2024-06-03 18:21
USD/INR Forecast June 2024

USD/INR Forecast June 2024

According to the reports, the first two and a half weeks of May saw the USD/INR currency pair confined to a notably tight trading range. The pair faced robust resistance around the 83.5240 level, though there were occasional deviations. However, on May 17th, the USD/INR broke through the support level at approximately 83.39, which had held since May 6th, leading to a dip towards 83.2388.

News 2024-06-03 18:11
WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Is FX6 Reliable?

WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Is FX6 Reliable?

In this article, we will analyze the characteristics of this broker from various aspects, providing you with simple and organized information.

Exposure 2024-06-03 17:27
Oron Limited: Read the complete review here

Oron Limited: Read the complete review here

Oron Limited, a company registered in Saint Lucia, has swiftly established itself within the financial landscape, operating for less than a year.

Exposure 2024-06-03 16:06
ASIC Bans Melbourne Director for $650K Fraud

ASIC Bans Melbourne Director for $650K Fraud

ASIC permanently bans director Christopher Nairn for $650K fraud, highlighting regulatory actions against financial misconduct and new measures for industry transparency.

News 2024-06-03 15:28


Recently, the UK Financial Conduct Authority(FCA) issued a list of illegal Brokers and warned Investors about fraud brokers. The unauthorised brokers' names are Money Back, JAMBIN,, CAVENDISH BROWN, ALTRAFROT, and Sanctum Fixed Income.

Exposure 2024-06-03 12:51
Foreign Investors Withdraw $312M from Philippines in April

Foreign Investors Withdraw $312M from Philippines in April

Foreign investors pulled $312M from the Philippines in April, a rise from March's $236M, says BSP. However, net inflows were seen over the first four months.

News 2024-06-03 10:57
Nigerian Senate Backs Crypto Regulation to Strengthen Naira

Nigerian Senate Backs Crypto Regulation to Strengthen Naira

Meta Description: The Nigerian Senate supports cryptocurrency regulation to safeguard investors and strengthen the naira amid inconsistent policies. This move aims to boost economic stability and attract investments.

News 2024-06-02 08:30
The Role of Forex Brokers Explained

The Role of Forex Brokers Explained

The foreign exchange market, commonly known as forex, stands as the world's largest financial arena, boasting daily trading volumes in the trillions of dollars. For those eager to capitalize on currency fluctuations, entering this dynamic yet intricate market necessitates the guidance of a skilled intermediary: the forex broker.

News 2024-06-02 08:00
SC Malaysia Warned Against Arab Investment Company

SC Malaysia Warned Against Arab Investment Company

SC Malaysia has been cautioned regarding Arab investment company. According to the Authority, a possible clone operating an illegal investment scheme offers high returns e.g.a return of RM3,000 in 24 hours with an investment of RM300. This entity does not carry a License.

News 2024-06-01 08:30
 A South African Trader Claimed That SWIFT EARNERS Blocks His Withdrawal Request

A South African Trader Claimed That SWIFT EARNERS Blocks His Withdrawal Request

SWIFT EARNERS has emerged as a controversial and highly dubious player. Despite its claims of being a reliable broker with a base in the United States and additional operations in Thailand, the experiences of numerous victims tell a different story. A particularly harrowing account comes from a South African victim who has found himself ensnared in what appears to be a well-orchestrated scam.

Exposure 2024-06-01 08:00
Octa Sponsored Three Charity Initiatives

Octa Sponsored Three Charity Initiatives

The renowned broker Octa, sponsored three charity projects to support underprivileged children in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Nigeria. In Indonesia, Octa's charity initiative included the rehabilitation of SD NEGERI DEPOK, a school in Depok City, West Java.

News 2024-05-31 19:14
 RIF-CAPITAL is an FX investment fraud and cannot withdraw money!

RIF-CAPITAL is an FX investment fraud and cannot withdraw money!

When searching for "RIF-CAPITAL" in WikiFX, we found that we have not yet confirmed its valid license information. WikiFX has received eight complaints against the trader in the past three months.

Exposure 2024-05-31 18:50
From Rookie to Pro: Becoming a Confident Trader

From Rookie to Pro: Becoming a Confident Trader

Trading in the financial markets, whether forex or cryptocurrency, can seem daunting for beginners. However, with the right approach and mindset, anyone can evolve from a rookie to a confident trader. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this journey.

News 2024-05-31 17:58
Questrade Integrates with TradingView: New Opportunities for Traders

Questrade Integrates with TradingView: New Opportunities for Traders

Canadian traders can now access Questrade on TradingView, enhancing their trading experience with new tools and features.

News 2024-05-31 17:54
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