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Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-17 10:15


Slippage, trading is not allowed in big market conditions, and you cannot see the order after placing it. After the market recovers, the order has already lost money, indicating liquidation.

The company illegally used agency rebates to attract customers in the country and used high leverage 2000-unlimited leverage to lure investors. During the operation, there were frequent slippages, disconnections, and an inability to deposit funds, which led to the liquidation of positions.



[Amount] $22,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-16 05:37


I was induced to recommend relatives and friends to open an account and get a bonus. After meeting the conditions, they kept pushing back and refused to fulfill their promises.

The ic platform has a promotional event. If you recommend a relative or friend to open an account on the platform, deposit $200, and have 5 valid transactions within a month, both the recommender and the new customer will receive a $50 bonus. I recommended my relatives and friends to open an account and made a deposit, and the trading lot requirement was met, but the platform kept pushing back and refused to give the bonus. I asked them why, and they were always vague. They just emphasized that the final interpretation and decision-making rights belong to the platform!


IC MarketsIC Markets

[Amount] $0(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-14 16:15


While trading normally on XM, profits were deducted

I have been trading on the XM platform for several months, and nothing happened when I made losses. I made some profit by opening 5 lots of USDJPY long orders on the night of February 21st. XM directly forced the liquidation of my long orders that night and deducted the profit of US$898. Then the email actually informed me that I was cashing out for arbitrage. The USDJPY long order earned normal trading profits, so how could it turn into cashing out for arbitrage? Moreover, I could have earned US$2,000 for the USDJPY long position if it had not been forced to be liquidated, but in the end, I was deducted US$898.



[Amount] $898(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-14 16:15


FXTM has run away, the deposit was defrauded, and the money is not in the account.

There is an urgent exposure to FXTM. There is no customer service, and even the robot customer service does not reply. The deposit failed to arrive and was not refunded. Please don’t be deceived. . . .



[Amount] $0(USD)

Turkey Turkey 2024-04-14 11:15


My balance was confiscated and my support requests were not responded to

Please beware of this company and refrain from depositing funds into it. It is nearing the final stages of deception, having closed several of its offices and gradually transitioning into a fraudulent entity. Recently, it has been luring traders with offers of low spreads and commissions. However, upon achieving profits, the company manipulates trades, deletes profits, or creates fake transactions to cause traders to lose, resulting in their balances and profits being wiped out or deals being abruptly closed. I urge anyone whose withdrawal requests have been rejected by the company or who has been defrauded and had their profits confiscated to contact via email ( This is necessary until legal action is taken against this company and those responsible for it.


FP MarketsFP Markets

[Amount] $2,950(USD)

Pakistan Pakistan 2024-04-14 10:26


Refund my amount back

hello sir, I am a user of vantage broker, but they deducted my amount in the name of PNL ,  from my MT4 account number 610051775, the deducted amount of 395 USD without any reason, Its a cheap activity , kindly help me in returning my amount back . So I shall be very thankful to you



[Amount] $395(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-14 09:45


Unable to log in to the platform for positions held, resulting in losses

During the period of holding the position, I could not log in to TMGM, resulting in a loss of US$3,435. I contacted customer service, but nothing was resolved. The salesperson's attitude was very bad.



[Amount] $3,435(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-14 09:45


The platform promotes low spread accounts with no overnight fees

It is advertised that there is no overnight fee, but if you make a profit, it will be deducted directly from you.



[Amount] $236,473(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-13 10:26


Withdrawals are not based on the actual exchange rate.

Customer service won't reply or contact me. I withdraw $240 and received ¥1622, the RMB exchange rate is 6.785


FP MarketsFP Markets

[Amount] $240(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-13 10:26


Complain to ZFX for forced liquidation. It forced a stop loss on my order, and I demanded compensation.

My name: Zhao Min Trading account: 2838165 Problematic orders: 837076135 and 837568684 From February 1, 2024 to before 4:45 on February 2, 2024, the order was liquidated. The customer service said that there was a problem with ZFX’s gold system and MT4 did not display the order. Customer service said that before the system was restored at 4:41 on February 2, 2024, a stop-loss and stop-profit was set for the order. The customer service made it clear that at 4:41 on February 2, 2024, the order had not been restored, and it had not been restored on MT4. The system automatically sets a stop loss and take profit for my order. (Note: The system has not recovered, the order is not displayed on MT4, and it is impossible to set stop loss and take profit. Because the order is not displayed on MT4, the customer said that he set the stop loss and take profit by himself). When the short orders of 2007 and the short orders of 2019 were closed in the early morning of February 1, 2024, my order clearly showed that there was no stop loss or take profit. At 4:41 on February 2, 2024, the system automatically set a stop loss and take profit for me. The platform forcibly modified my stop loss and stop profit without my consent and did not inform me. I demand compensation.



[Amount] $2,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-13 10:26


Romance scam. The platform takes advantage of system maintance to maliciously modify customer's SL .

My name: Zhao Min Trading account: 2838165 Orders: 837085267, 837568684, and 837944382 From February 1, 2024, to 4:45 February 2, 2024, the order was liquidated, and MT4 did not display the order; During the forced liquidation period at 4:41 on February 2, 2024, the customer service said that the order was set with stop loss and take profit. During this period, customer service clearly stated that the order had not been restored at 4:41 on February 2, 2024, and it had not been restored on MT4. The system automatically adds a stop loss and takes profit to my order (note: the order is not displayed on MT4, and it is impossible to set a stop loss and take profit because the order is not displayed on MT4). In the early morning of February 1, 2024, the short and short positions of 2007 and 2019 When I closed my short position, my order clearly showed that there was no stop loss and take profit, but at 4:41 on February 2, 2024, the system automatically placed a stop loss and take profit on me. The platform imposed it on me without my consent. They modified the stop loss and stop profit of my order without informing me, causing a loss of 2000 US dollars. Now I ask for compensation of 1000 US dollars.



[Amount] $2,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-12 15:15


The EC platform deliberately raised the price and wiped out my losses before reaching the stop-loss. The total amount was 110,000 US dollars, and the slippage was serious.

The EC platform deliberately raised the price and wiped out my losses before reaching the stop-loss. The total amount was 110,000 US dollars, and the slippage was serious.


Ec MarketsEc Markets

[Amount] $10(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-12 15:15


Does not allow withdrawal of profits

In October 2023, a friend told me about Rockglobal. At that time, there were newcomer activities, so I opened an account to participate I didn't realize that it was a black platform that was a scam. As soon as I made a profit, I was restricted from withdrawing my funds and not given any profit. The last thing they agree on is to give only the principal. It's a scam.



[Amount] $1,623(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-12 15:15


Cannot trade on the account, and no one solves it.

I was banned from trading in my account. When I contacted the trading customer service, no one responded or handled it. I submitted a withdrawal but it was never reviewed.


Ultima MarketsUltima Markets

[Amount] $1,026(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-12 11:45


The slippage was serious, and the SL was triggered without any reason before the stop loss point was reached.

The slippage was serious, and the SL was triggered without any reason before the stop-loss point was reached! The slippage was serious, and the SL was triggered without any reason before the stop-loss point was reached.



[Amount] $166(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-11 09:56


5 identical orders with the same stop loss setup, 3 were stopped early and lost $29, while 2 made a profit of $262

At 23:00 on January 30, 2024, there were 5 identical orders with the same stop loss, and 3 of them were stopped in advance (the stop loss was set at 2048.93, but the platform gave the closing price of 2048.43, a difference of 50), resulting in a loss of $29, while the other 2 made a profit of $262. The chart shows that the highest buying price at 23:00 that day was only 2048.05, which means it was 0.87 US dollars away from my stop loss point. After contacting the customer service, I received an email reply saying that slippage occurred due to the release of data. If slippage occurred as the platform said, That has to be close to or exceed my stop loss price of 2048.93. How could it be even at the price of 2048.43? Let’s talk about my other two stop loss positions that are the same (these two stop loss positions in the picture were also set at 2048.93 before, and later they were set stop-limit due to making profit.) Why didn't the software slippage trigger the liquidation? The platform excuses itself by saying that there is no background control and everything is executed by MT4 software. Then please explain why the software only executes 3 orders with 5 identical stop loss levels, but misses the other 2 orders? I want a reasonable explanation.



[Amount] $420(USD)

 Taiwan Taiwan 2024-04-10 02:44


My account cannot withdraw funds or trade. The account cannot be transferred internally, and the cryptocurrency wallet cannot withdraw funds.

I contacted customer service but got no solution. He kept asking me to wait but there was no follow-up. The trading account is locked, so transactions and withdrawals cannot be made.



[Amount] $654(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-05 22:44


The market is lagging, the position is not allowed to be closed, and the customer service does not reply to the message.

When encountering market conditions, they will not allow you to close positions, and your stop loss will also be cleared at a price that do not appear.



[Amount] $150(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-05 13:56


FOREX background operation can not deposit, resulting in a loss of 2000 U.S. dollars in the account!

FOREX background can not recharge the margin, from the daytime to try to the evening, has not been able to recharge, the customer service said to solve the problem has not been solved, but also can not tell the reason, resulting in a loss of 2000 U.S. dollars in my account!


[Amount] $2,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-05 13:45


Deposit and withdrawal fraud

On December 5, 2023, I deposited US$1,000, paid RMB 7,364, and the exchange rate was 7.364. I applied for a withdrawal of US$970.88 on December 7, 2023, and on December 8, the account received 6,893 yuan, and the exchange rate was 7.1. The highest USDCNH exchange rate was 7.17 on December 5, and the lowest was 7.15 on the 7th and 8th. First, does FOREX regard itself as a central bank and decide the exchange rate on its own? Second, the exchange rate is calculated to three decimal places when depositing money, and the exchange rate is directly erased to zero when withdrawing money. FOREX is a typical scam, please don’t be fooled.


[Amount] $1,000(USD)


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