Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

3 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Being Scammed

Funds can't be withdraw. Have contacted the broker show on wechat but keep don't answer me.

Malaysia Malaysia 2020-04-19 19:18
Malaysia Malaysia 2020-04-19 19:18


I do foreign exchange investment trading account 80001609 on sifang international platform. In August this year, mubai WeChat ID, apchyfdc1, a teacher with a single, and I found customer service staff to open an account under his guidance.Customer service QQ for your service!Qq no. 2977212480, I transferred 55,000 RMB into my personal bank account on August 31, September 4 and September 6, and their explanation was the change of the company's financial personnel.Under the guidance of the teacher with disc in a short few days, just a few times of operation on blood loss.The teacher also asked me to continue to enter gold, this time did not listen to his words, slowly calm down, realized that this is the fraud they set up, resulting in my loss.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-12-15 00:44
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-12-15 00:44

Sifang scammed me.

They put our deposit into someone’s personal account. They promised us the withdrawal money would arrive the next day but it didn’t. They charged us ridiculous high service fee. Their investment instructors asked us to trade whatever they wanted. On day at 19:37 someone called Longdi asked me to buy a 2 lots real-estate. After then my balance became negative. Back then I have nearly $10000 in my account. I asked him why, he said it was because of the market change. I found I was scammed when I searched for the market chart. I questioned him but he just blocked me. He scammed a lot of people. I lost altogether 110000 RMB. I’ve called the police but nothing happened until now. Who can help me now?

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-10-09 22:18
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-10-09 22:18
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