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10 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Scam platform

Unable to withdraw in scam platform.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-22 09:42
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-22 09:42

The fraudster’s phone is always in downtime.We victims should be unified.

The fraudster’s phone is always in downtime.The uptime is short.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-05 07:05
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-05 07:05

They has run away form Cambodian...


Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-02 16:06
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-02 16:06
Unable to Withdraw

Gsg background does not withdraw

I have applied for the withdrawal of funds since December 18,. I have not given any review. I contacted the customer service and said that I have been giving feedback to the gold-sector department. I have not made any gold success until now. The responsible persons Yao Yuan and Zhang Hailin have been unable to contact, and the other business schools are not available. The branch colleges have been cancelled, and the official website has no notice of notice.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-03-01 00:26
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-03-01 00:26

Swindling for money running away unreachable

Case declare: I with orders outside training (inter-cooled creation trade co., LTD) contact XIAO HAO, came to the trade company inter-cooled creation on October 11, 2018 , and the chairman of the board of directors of the company hai-lin zhang (379009197505120018), and sign the attached break-even financial agreement, and accompanied by the division staff in DaWang Road traffic bank to open an account, and complete the $30000 of the remittance in accordance with the contractual requirements, then finished and signed contract become effective.Then in the first month, the profit was not more than 2%, so there was no profit. But in the second month, the little hao who contacted me suddenly informed the company that he was dismissed. Then I learned that the company had moved out of the original address, and the customer service phone could not be connected, and my account had no operation for more than three months.And the company's main management personnel can not contact communication.This is pure fraud behaviour!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-01-18 22:10
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-01-18 22:10
Unable to Withdraw

GSG fraud platform cannot withdraw

The platform can't normal out of gold, on December 31, 2018 to submit an application for the gold today or to submit, with the background support, call customer service can be normal in gold, said I given the GSG made information technology platform, managed way inter-cooled creation (Beijing) trade co., LTD., given the so-called GSG financial group, the enterprise can query to the industrial and commercial system, the company behind the scenes to foreign college, now managed due has been no one to answer, in Beijing institute of foreign companies have been closed, the query into the order number into the gold is not account abroad.With the actual control of GSG zhang hailin call, said the third party funds freeze, delay, is not to give money, now call direct transfer.If this financial problem cannot be solved, I will always complain and check your platform through various channels and channels. The complaint is only the first step in the beginning.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-01-17 01:26
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-01-17 01:26
Unable to Withdraw

A few thousand dollars, a few millions of dollars, do not give gold

I started to withdraw cash last month. After one month, 8,000 dollars did not give gold. I found the company and found that many people are blocking the company. People ask for millions of dollars. The company simply does not withdraw

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-10-25 22:50
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-10-25 22:50

Clarification on the exposure" GSG Black Platform does not give gold"

On July 4th, I sent the post ”Unable to withdraw in GSG ”.Since the platform checked the trading orders,delaying the withdrawal.So I posted the exposure.I have received it in July.The previous post can not be deleted.So I post this to clarify.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-07-30 21:47
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-07-30 21:47

GSG took my money from time to time.

After the market closed on July 13th, I found my money lost a lot in my account. I’ve got 5 accounts. I checked the history and found they charged me $260 overnight fee for crude oil. They said it was because of market change. Sometimes they even charge hundreds of dollars for gold overnight fee. This is robbery! Somebody should look into this. They are scammers.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-07-17 17:51
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-07-17 17:51
Unable to Withdraw

GSG scam platform does not let me to withdraw money!

I submitted the application for withdrawing money in May, but now the money has not been deducted until now. The customer service personnel do not answer me. It is completely scam platform.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-07-04 22:37
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-07-04 22:37
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