Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

4 pieces of exposure in total


Deposit not come to account

My funds have been debited from my wallet account, but not credited to my Quotex trading balance account Deposit #51630131 / 2024-03-27 07:13:36 / 100.00$ Successfully transferred at 14:14 on 27/3/2024 On 27 March I deposited 100$ to my account on Quotex website. The recipient was Ho Van Minh from Quotex system. But until now my account amount is 0$. Where is my money in Quotex system? Quotex must be fully responsible for it. Quotex said they will contact me once there is an update from the financial provider, tell me do not interfere!? But until today 20 April they did not contact me. This is the third time Quotex cheated me. Last year I deposited 2 times 50$ each to my Quotex account but the same situation, my account was 0$.

Vietnam Vietnam 2024-04-20 20:45
Vietnam Vietnam 2024-04-20 20:45

they closed my account with 150 usd in it

I have been trying to recover my funds for 1 month that I had deposited through Rapipago, there were 150 usd in it... as soon as I deposited, I wanted to enter my account and when I wanted to log in I got a sign that my account was suspended and they didn't give any reason. I was investigating and I saw that they said that they did not reopen suspended accounts, but they left a form for you to appeal and they saw if you had the possibility of getting your funds back. I filled out the form. I never got a response. I am very frustrated to lose 150 usd like that.

Argentina Argentina 2023-06-13 01:27
Argentina Argentina 2023-06-13 01:27

The Kytex platform was defrauded of my capital by executing deals without my knowledge

I want to submit all available reports to the quotex platform, because two five-second deals were executed through the platform with all the capital without my knowledge, and at the time of closing the platform, and when I opened the platform on my device, I saw that my account balance was zeroed from the platform, and I want to recover my capital of 136 dollars, and this indicates the fraud of the platform On my own capital, I will attach some files that indicate the fraud of the platform

Egypt Egypt 2023-02-23 20:07
Egypt Egypt 2023-02-23 20:07

Quotex isn’t regulated. Fraud broker. Unable to withdraw!

A girl added my WeChat and then I was invited to a group chat where teachers analyzed the market and gave recommendations. I followed their advice some times and profited a little. Later, the teacher said the stock market was in a bearish mood and asked us to invest in Quotex where we could profit stably. And he promised that we could earn over 50% per month if we followed his instructions strictly. So many people said yes in the group chat and opened accounts. So I transferred all my funds to this broker, 920,000 in total. But I lost money here. The teacher just gave adverse recommendations. I hope this exposure can help u guys!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-03-12 16:07
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-03-12 16:07
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