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3 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Maria Josefa Bastida Mateo

I have invested more than 20,000 euros and in my account more than 75,000 euros and they have not let me make any withdrawals and they have also tried to make transfers of 29,000 euros from my father's account. All this at I always communicated with Carolina de la rosa and then a certain Saul who was the one who told me the transfers I had to make, to be able to make the withdrawal, which never took place. The first deposits were by credit card and then I had to ask for loans and I contacted CNV and Victoria Pereira stole 5 transfers of 1000 euros through anidex, because I had to make the payment before receiving my money. So in total I have been scammed more than 25,000 euros. So I would beg them to see if you can help me.

Spain Spain 2023-03-28 03:49
Spain Spain 2023-03-28 03:49


I have a 2000 euros account with INSTA TRADER, but they do not respond nor return the money. They are real scammers. We are going to unite with those who are scammed and harmed by them and sue them. Also your web page is down!

Argentina Argentina 2021-12-16 13:00
Argentina Argentina 2021-12-16 13:00
Unable to Withdraw

Bad person

Hello. I am pleased that this company has not let me enter my account and the page is down. Unfortunately, I invested $ 100 there. Now, everything is lost,and I would have investigated their silly platform, also the person who recommended me and disappeared from the Map

Mexico Mexico 2021-12-09 22:12
Mexico Mexico 2021-12-09 22:12
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