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48 pieces of exposure in total


Already apply for withdrawal and pass the review, but there is no payment arrived

The customer manager keep delaying the payment and ask people to pay fees. The channel fee is paid when it said at the beginning. Then, it requires fees for bank and margin. It is clearly a fraud.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-04-05 17:03
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-04-05 17:03

Keep scamming, change a name and keep scamming

This platform has been exposed half a year ago, and there has been no follow-up of the withdrawal. For a period of time, the entire platform was directly disconnected and no one could be found at all. A few days ago, the customer service was activated again, and I took the initiative to tell me that I could withdraw the money... Actually, I am really curious, you asked me for NT$150,000 without even asking for my account number. Do you think it is? strange? Is it interesting to deceive like this? It's really easy to make money, and it's not easy to catch people. Taiwan's sentence for this kind of fraud is light, but I think you will have to die in the future.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-03-07 13:34
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-03-07 13:34
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal does not arrive

Withdrawal approval passed. The application for withdrawal on 2022 1/27 and said that it will be credited to the account on 2022 2/15, but it has not been credited until now. They also lied that after joining a member, you can withdraw money for free

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-03-06 16:47
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-03-06 16:47
Unable to Withdraw

Induce deposit and copy orders. Withdrawal requires 30% channel fee

The assistant insisted that there would be no risk to induce the deposit investment, signed the guarantee agreement to keep it confidential, and had to follow the operation. After the loss, the investor and the prorods manager would be asked to apply for a credit loan. Withdrawal, but the assistant said to pay 10% channel fee, the prorods manager said it was 30% channel fee, if you don't pay it, you will wait slowly, but now after the new year, the person disappears and there is no response??????? ?

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-21 22:18
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-21 22:18
Unable to Withdraw

Prorods does not withdraw and keeps asking for urgent fees, channel fees, and handling fees...but not withdraw. It is totally a fraud.

After joining the foreign exchange, it is normal to withdraw a small amount of money. If you need to withdraw a large amount of money after you increase your investment and make a profit, they will find a lot of reasons to demand urgent fee, channel fee, handling fee...etc. scam group

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-20 18:14
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-20 18:14
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw and the account that I transferred is wrong so it needs to adjust again.

After I deposit the fund, they do not withdraw for me and require me to pay margin. It is totally a scam. I demand for $5000 of mediation fees. I had a wrong account for the mediation fee, so I can't make a deposit and ask for a readjustment.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-16 02:29
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-16 02:29

Mediation trading account is wrong

I made a mistake in my mediation account and I couldn't make a deposit, so I have to re-adjust it. In addition, I think their fraudulent practice of making it impossible to withdraw money is too abhorrent. I decided to ask for a mediation fee of 5,000 US dollars. I hope you come with sincerity and meditate with me, and give justice to everyone who has been deceived

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-15 18:01
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-15 18:01
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw. It requires to pay ten thousands margin before withdrawal. It is totally a fraudulent tricks.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-15 00:26
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-15 00:26

Scam group

It is said that you can join the club, you can withdraw money, and you also say that you can earn the money you should earn. Why do you still deceive people? It is basically a fraud group. Everyone’s money is hard-earned money. Do you sleep peacefully in this kind of fraud? Don't be deceived again

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-04 02:09
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-02-04 02:09
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw, the broker disappeared

Unable to withdraw for a month. I waited for 18 days and someone showed up telling me to show proof, and then disappeared.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-29 02:51
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-29 02:51

I have applied for the withdrawal, but it has been delayed, and now I can't contact customer service

If you want to withdraw money, you have to pay a channel fee of over 900,000. The application for withdrawal was approved on 2021/12/29. It has always been said that there are many people waiting in line. After further questioning, he said that it will be dealt with before 1/20, and then changed to 2/15. It has been delayed all the time, and the customer service manager has been unable to contact. The mailbox on the official website page is the mainland QQ mailbox, not the customer service mailbox. LINE is also blocked. It appeared on 1/17 for a while. They block me after saying "yes", then disappeared from the world.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-28 16:20
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-28 16:20
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw gold, the customer complained that the received SMS could not be read, you can email:, ​​thank you!

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-25 15:55
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-25 15:55
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

In October this year, I was brought into this platform by a female assistant through the Line group. I invested 400,000 Taiwan dollars. At the beginning, I received 600 US dollars and remitted it to my account. After a month of copying, I want to get my principal back. It took 10 days for me to reply that I should remit the profit share before I can withdraw the money. Now the female assistant has disappeared and no one can be found. The trader and the customer service of the stock company said that I need to pay the channel fee before I can withdraw the money. I checked the Internet today and I have paid the channel fee, but I can't withdraw the money. How dare I remit it?

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-24 13:40
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-24 13:40
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Tianjishe told everyone to withdraw the money on 12/23, and then asked the manager to guarantee the contract when the money was withdrawn. In the end, nothing was obtained, and it also said that the money was frozen and had to pay 1 million before it could be withdrawn. What is this... .. My money was locked on it, and I gave a dividend of 1.5 million and a channel fee of 0.88 million, and then the 6.34 million dollars in the account was not successfully withdrawn. The above shows that the pass is completely deceiving, and then the person ran away, the contract was invalid. Is it useful to sign the contract? What about the boss's handling? There is money to be made, but this kind of fraud is unpleasant

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-21 19:44
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-21 19:44
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Saying that the account cannot be withdrawn and the account is frozen and it requires a margin of 100. The stock company promises to help and take the dividend and occupy it directly, and then ask me to pay the money again, sign the contract, and then say that this contract is invalid. Tianji is a scam and block the website of prorods. To be honest, it would be nice to make more money, and I am not happy to be defrauded.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-21 19:22
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-21 19:22
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw money

I have been unable to withdraw money from the prorods platform for nearly two weeks

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-21 18:24
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-21 18:24
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

At the beginning, the withdrawal was normal, but later it was said that the withdrawal had to pay a 10% channel fee. Now after the payment aws made, they were disappeared. The fraud platform is called Prorods.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-20 18:20
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-20 18:20
Severe Slippage

Serious slippage, deceiving credit loan investment

Deceived to trade foreign exchange, deliberately guided the wrong operation, led to losses, misled me to deposit more money, colluded with the Prorods customer service manager, immediately credited the deposit of 10,000 US dollars and made a false lead like before, and continued to trick me into the second time.Close the position immediately becuase I do not have sufficient money. The loss was huge in an instant, and after that, I was comforted that it was her fault that made me so miserable. Because of my trust, I made up for the interest-free credit as soon as possible. This method makes people relax their vigilance and continue to trust, which is extremely bad. Attach the remittance information, and the operation slippage process.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-18 09:31
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-18 09:31

It is totally a scam group. Yesterday, they promised to withdraw money, but after applying for withdrawal, I was kicked out of the group the next day, the customer service lost contact, and the assistant disappeared.

They said it nicely that they will take what they should take so why they need to lie, and in the end he is also deceived, can he sleep soundly like this?

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-18 02:07
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-18 02:07
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal has no subsequence

Applied for withdrawal on Jan. 10 and it also passed the review, but I had not received anything till Jan. 17.The assistants will reply at the beginning, but they wont read the message after Jan. 13(Should be blocked). On Jan. 16, even the manger wont reply the message. What it is if it is not scam.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-17 23:30
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-17 23:30
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