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Orion Star Capital

United Kingdom|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


Rating Index



No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account. Support service provided by WikiFX

Single Core



Open Now

Broker Information


Company Name

Orion Star Capital

Company Abbreviation

Orion Star Capital

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website

Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-10
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

WikiFX Verification

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Orion Star Capital · Company Summary

Since Orion Star Capitals official website cannot be opened for now, we could only piece together the rough picture of this broker by gathering some relevant information from other websites.

Basic Information
Registered Countries United Kingdom
Regulation No regulation
Company Website
Maximum Leverage N/A
Minimum Spread N/A
Trading Platform N/A
Trading Assets
Payment Methods N/A
Customer Support Email Support only

General Information

Orion Star Capital is an online trading broker registered in the United Kingdom, and this broker does not tell the public what company behind it. According to the information posted on WikiFX, we can see that this broker was not established long, with an operation time of less than 5 years.

What makes it worse is that this brokers official website cannot be opened for now, which makes it hard for us to obtain some relevant information.


Orion Star Capital is not authorized or regulated by any regulatory authority, and thats why WikiFX has given it a very low score of 1.44/10. Please be aware of the risk.


Negative Reviews

As per exposure on WikiFX, Orion Star Capitalis not a broker welcomed by many traders.

Many traders shared their terrible trading experience on this platform, and they say this broker is totally a liar and thief, refusing their withdrawal request, stealing their hard-earned money.


Trading with an unregulated broker is a surefire way to lose your money. Please be aware of the risk.


Trading leverage cannot be found anywhere, but here is the leverage rule considered properly by many regulators in the world: the maximum leverage for major currencies up to 1:30 in Europe and Australia, and 1:50 in the United States and Canada.

Since leverage can amplify both gains and losses, it can result in devastating losses for investors who lack experience. If you're just starting out in the trading world, it's best to stick with the lower size, no more than a 1:10.

Customer Support

Just like most unregulated and illegal brokers, only an email is what Orion Star Capitalleft behind, which can be served as further evidence that this broker is not reliable at all.


Risk Warning

Trading leveraged products such as forex, cryptocurrencies and derivatives may not be suitable for all investors as they carry a high degree of risk to your capital. Please ensure that your fully understand the risks involved, taking into account your investments objectives and level of experience.

The information presented in this article is intended solely for reference purposes.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
None No regulation
Inaccessible official website
Poor customer Support
Essential information missing
Lots of negative reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Orion Star Capital regulated by FCA?

No, Orion Star Capitalis not regulated by FCA.

How can I contact Orion Star Capital

Unfortunately, Orion Star Capital can be only reached through an email.

What is the maximum trading leverage offered by Orion Star Capital

The maximum trading leverage offered by Orion Star Capital is not disclosed.

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more than one year
I found this webinar by Orion Star Capital incredibly insightful and educational. I gained some fascinating perspectives and realized how much there is to learn. It highlighted for me the varying opinions even among experienced analysts regarding potential market trends, and underscored just how challenging it is to maintain a consistent success rate in trading, even for seasoned professionals.
2024-02-29 15:22
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