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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!

IBM Capital Corporation

United States|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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2825 6222
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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2825 6222

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IBM Capital Corporation

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United States

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Pyramid scheme complaint


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This platform is a Ponzi Scheme. Please stay away! 5
Previous Detection : 2024-06-13
  • This broker has been verified to be illegal and all of its licences have expired, and it has been listed in WikiFX's Scam Brokers list. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The platform is a Ponzi Scheme, which refers to the use of "principle of value multiplication". In the form of rolling or static fund circulation, it uses the money of next member to pay to the present one, which is essentially a pyramid scheme with the distinction of hidden, deceptive and socially harmful. By calling common person's desire for money, fraudsters in the platform begin raising funds underground. Since this kind of platform mostly will abscond after 1 or 2 years, the fund-raising mode just can exist less than 3 years.
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 60 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0514461) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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IBM Capital Corporation · WikiFX Survey

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Pyramid scheme complaint

The only way is to call the police.

The fraudster cheats everywhere including pension, money for therapy and raising children. Everything in Ukraine is fake as they know the routine in forex scam. Before PTFX collapsed, the gang of fraudsters cheated on their friends and relatives. Do you the represents spanning across Jiangsu, Beijng, Shandong, Zhangjiang, Henan and jiangxi think where you can abscond? The only way is to give us the withdrawal. We have already known that all thing are fake including building in Ukraine, AD promotion and speech! Hope you investors call the police to crack them down as soon as possible.

2020-03-26 14:46

The state has seen to this mater, appealing victims to call the police.

Same routine as PTFX, the frauds deleted all clients’ online wallets and accounts to avoid the investigation. They coordinated on WeChat subscription to make the daily push. One can verify that all data on MT4 are counterfeit through myfxbook. Recently, they have deliberately recycled US dollars with only 0.2 to 0.3 CNY. Don’t be cheated and take heed on your money. One can download the ZHIHU to verify the so-called champion on trading for twice, which are all fake since Liang Henli has been weeded out in the second round. The coveted 5 million dollars withdrawal wallet has become $100, the vast amount had been laundered. Pretending to maintain the situation, the gang of fraud is preparing to run away. At the same time, coordinating with Taiwanese, they would blame on Ukrainian lawyer’s suing on IBM Capital Corporation . I have attached the evidence in the annex. The guy on the pic, whose avatar was Liu Qingyun, changed an avatar to pretend to bring the situation under control.

2020-03-28 16:15

Exposure on the boss behind the screen Yao Hui and Luo Jie of IBM Capital Corporation

Yao Hui and Luo Jie, who claimed be in office in Singapore Business School, in collusion with Cui Jingjing, Pan Kaicheng and Hong Junlong, engaged in the promo of the finance, bragging about the regulation and the glory of the 2 co-founder. And they joined the international financial and wealth management and introduced the IBMCC investment trusteeship project into Chinese market, which attracted numerous reputation and investment. During that period, they upgraded the scam through varied overseas training and investigation into Ukrainian headquarter to raise more fund. Now the so-called company has been out of contact, with funding channel shut.

2020-06-16 21:01

Lowdown on IBM Capital Corporation

Detailed IBMCC farce and strategies 1.IBMCC is controlled by Ma Sheng. Hong Junlong is one of the behind-the-scenes players, with Yaohui and Roger at its core. The so-called Ukrainian, with a registered capital of only three hundred yuan, counterfeited the NFA license. CEO Stanley, COO Andrew, and Secretary Lisa are all actors. In particular, Stanley's brilliant resumes are all fake, as well as the MT4 data. 2.The PC combination is the accomplice of this scam. IBMCC was established in Henan at the beginning of 2018. Hongyue, Yaohui, and Roger, in collusion with Pan, reached a consensus and flicked Chinese investors. During that period, PC modified the position-locking mechanism and brokerage institute, changing the marketing team(can be proved by Jianshu, Weibo, and WeChat public accounts). Pan also boasted him the first person in China. 3. Originally, the IBMCC could grow up in China flourish by 2020. However, PT collapsed and IBMCC still paid most of it to make more money. At the same time, facing lots of withdrawal request, plus internal inadequate distribution, C team gave no access to withdrawal with the excuse of KYC verification. 4. This year's epidemic was another nail in the coffin crisis. During February to early March, the company was still struggling to solve the problem. Later it was in a stalemate with all parties. The background of the company was digital currency. On March 12, the market of Bitcoin plummeted, leading to liquidation. Then the company canceled the license and disappeared. 5. With the passage of time, the PC group should know that it was abandoned by the company, but still delayed the time on the grounds that it would use 6000U to ask a lawyer to make investigation into the company. But the result is still unknown today. 6. During April and May, Pang Pang, Lu Pingping, and Qiang Brother sent people to Ukraine to verify that the company had moved off the IQ building. Pang Pang and his assistant verified the qualifications and lowdown on Ukrainian company within a week. 7. Pang Pang and some P-level leaders went to Shanghai to report to the police. At this time, the PC should know that it was abandoned by the company. Certainly having grasped some lowdown, but it still struggled keeping up. C misappropriated 50,000 yuan from the P group and paid 50,000 yuan for attorney fee to prosecute IBMCC. 8. In summary, the IBMCC farce is a multinational criminal group.With the guise of finance, it claimed all Chinese members’ life. 9. Currently the KYC server information has been deleted, but the copy may be backed up by criminal groups. It is hazardous which may involve money-laundering.

2020-06-16 23:57

    IBM Capital Corporation · Company Summary

    General Information

    IBM Capital Corporation was founded in 2016 and is based in the United States of America. Its encryption assets servers, artificial intelligence (AI) research & development center are located in Ukraine. Previously, IBM Capital Corporation was engaged in financial consulting, professional asset management, banking and securities derivatives transactions and foreign exchange business. Currently, IBM Capital Corporation is the worlds leading fintech service provider and have provided smart digital asset solutions to major companies, governments and private investors in multiple countries.


    IBM Capital Corporation claims that it is holding a license from Money Service Business (MSB) under the jurisdiction of FinCEN. However, we found no regulatory results on the MSB website.

    Trading Solutions

    IBM Capital Corporation‘s AI trading system is an automated trading robot focused on digital currency assets. The robot is said to be capable of monitoring more than 1,000 digital currencies as well as fundamental data from more than 100 countries simultaneously. IBM Capital Corporation’s AI trading system leverages on existing blockchain technologies when managing the assets. IBM Capital Corporation AI trading system combine with MT4 trading software, featuring simple and concise interfac,intuitive mode of trading record appearance and supportiveness of customized indicators. Besides that, IBM Capital Corporation AI trading system monitors the global market 24 hours per day, captures every single profitable trend by integration of various technical and fundamental analysis. Customers can log in to their own individual MT4 account anytime to check their personal information, trading records and results.

    Customer Support

    The IBM Capital Corporation customer support can be reached through email: Address: 6th Floor IQ Business Centre, 13-15 Bolsunovska St., Kiev, Kyiv City, Ukraine, 01014.

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    more than one year
    Massive Scam!!! Stay away! Do not give your money to them!!!! They keep pushing you to put more and more money in and if you don't you get treated very badly! They also don’t respond to you at all when you want to withdraw your money. They are ignoring all my requests, I have asked two individuals direct and they are just ignoring the request so is IBM Capital Corporation.
    2023-03-21 15:35
    Feel You
    more than one year
    I have been waiting for them to solve my trading problem for over 10 days. And so far he has not resolved and does not answer my messages. I don’t know what happened. Why they treated me like that?
    2023-03-13 13:39


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