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Hope Fluent

Saint Lucia|Within 1 year|
Crypto-Licence|Suspicious Scope of Business|Medium potential risk|


Rating Index

The Sotheby Building Rodney Bay Gros-Islet Saint Lucia.


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Hope Fluent · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Hope Fluent
Registered Country/Area Saint Lucia
Founded year 2023
Regulation Regulated by the FinCEN
Market Instruments Cryptocurrencies, Stocks, Commodities, Forex pairs
Account Types N/A
Minimum Deposit N/A
Maximum Leverage N/A
Spreads N/A
Trading Platforms N/A
Customer Support

Overview of Hope Fluent

Hope Fluent, established in 2023 in Saint Lucia, provides a wide range of trading assets, including cryptocurrencies, stocks, commodities, and Forex pairs.

Regulated in Saint Lucia, it offers traders a secure and compliant platform for their investment activities. The platform boasts advantages such as a wide selection of assets for portfolio diversification and a free consultant service providing personalized guidance.

However, it faces challenges like a lack of advanced trading features and limited transparency regarding fees.

Overview of Hope Fluent

Regulatory Status

Hope Fluent operates under regulation by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) in the United States, holding a Crypto-License with License No. 31000266709740.

This regulatory status assures traders of compliance with legal standards and provides a framework for transparent and secure transactions on the platform. The clear regulatory oversight instills confidence in traders, fostering a sense of legitimacy and reliability in their dealings.

The regulated environment also promotes trust between the platform and its users, contributing to a stable and reputable marketplace for cryptocurrency trading.

Regulatory Status

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Wide range of trading assets including cryptocurrencies, stocks, commodities, and Forex pairs Lack of advanced trading features
Regulated by the FinCEN Lack of transparency about fees
Free consultant service Limited availability of trading tools
New established platform within 1 year


  1. Wide Range of Trading Assets: Hope Fluent offers a wide selection of trading assets, including cryptocurrencies, stocks, commodities, and Forex pairs. With over 100 assets available, traders have ample opportunities to diversify their portfolios and explore various investment options.

  2. Regulated by the FinCEN: As a regulated platform under the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), Hope Fluent adheres to strict compliance standards and regulatory requirements.

  3. Free Consultant Service: Hope Fluent offers a free consultant service, providing traders with access to expert financial advisors who offer personalized guidance and support.


  1. Lack of Advanced Trading Features: Despite offering a wide range of trading assets, Hope Fluent lacks advanced trading features commonly found on established platforms. These features may include advanced charting tools, technical analysis indicators, algorithmic trading capabilities, and customizable trading interfaces.

  2. Lack of Transparency About Fees: Hope Fluent lacks transparency regarding its fee structure, which may include trading fees, withdrawal fees, and other associated costs.

  3. Limited Availability of Trading Tools: While Hope Fluent offers a wide range of trading assets, it has limited availability of trading tools compared to established platforms.

  4. New Established Platform Within 1 Year: Hope Fluent is a relatively new platform, having been established within the past year. As a new entrant in the competitive landscape of online trading platforms, it may face challenges related to brand recognition, market reputation, and user adoption.

Market Instruments

Hope Fluent offers a wide range of trading assets, including commodities, cryptocurrencies, stocks, Forex pairs, and shares.

Bonds & Commodities: Traders can engage in the buying and selling of various commodities, such as gold, crude oil, wheat, and copper, among others, leveraging market fluctuations to potentially generate returns.

Cryptocurrencies: Hope Fluent offers access to a wide array of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and Litecoin, enabling traders to participate in spot trading, futures trading, and margin trading.

Trades & Stocks: Through Hope Fluent, traders can access a wide range of stocks across various sectors, allowing them to capitalize on market movements and potentially earn profits through dividends and capital appreciation.

Parities: Hope Fluent provides traders access to numerous currency pairs in the Forex market, enabling speculation on the relative strength or weakness of one currency against another.

Shares: With Hope Fluent, traders can trade shares of renowned corporations listed on major stock exchanges worldwide, diversifying their portfolios and potentially earning returns through capital gains and dividends.

Market Instruments

How to Open an Account?

  1. Visit the Official Website: Navigate to the official website of Hope Fluent by typing into your web browser.

  2. Click on “Open Account”: Locate the “Open Account” button on the homepage and click on it to initiate the account opening process.

How to Open an Account?
  1. Fill Out the Registration Form: Provide the required information in the registration form, including your full name, email address, phone number, and create a secure password for your account.

  2. Verify Your Email: After submitting the registration form, check your email inbox for a verification message from Hope Fluent. Click on the verification link provided in the email to verify your email address.

  3. Complete Verification Process: Follow the instructions to complete any additional verification steps required by Hope Fluent, which may include identity verification to comply with regulatory requirements.

  4. Start Trading: Once your account is successfully verified, log in to your Hope Fluent account using your registered email address and password. You can then fund your account and start trading across various asset classes offered by the platform.

How to Open an Account?

Customer Support

Hope Fluent provides comprehensive customer support to assist users with inquiries and issues.

Customers can reach out for assistance via email at or by visiting the official website Additionally, they can contact the company directly at the following phone number: +1 (758) 555-1234.

The support team is available to address questions related to account management, trading processes, technical assistance, and general inquiries.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

Hope Fluent provides a valuable educational resource through its free consultant service.

By offering personalized support through financial advisors, the platform enables users to receive tailored guidance and insights based on their specific needs and goals. This service enhances the learning experience by providing real-time assistance and addressing individual queries comprehensively.

Through the free consultant service, Hope Fluent not only fosters a supportive learning environment but also empowers traders with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the financial markets effectively.

Educational Resources


While Hope Fluent offers a wide range of trading assets and operates within a regulated framework, its lack of transparency regarding fees and absence of advanced trading features pose significant drawbacks.

Traders may find it challenging to assess the overall cost of trading and execute sophisticated trading strategies effectively. However, advantages such as a wide selection of assets and personalized guidance through the free consultant service enhance the trading experience.

Despite facing challenges as a relatively new platform, Hope Fluent has the potential to evolve and provide a supportive environment for traders seeking diversified investment opportunities with regulatory oversight.


  1. Question: What trading assets are available on Hope Fluent?

  1. Answer: Hope Fluent offers a wide range of assets including cryptocurrencies, stocks, commodities, and Forex pairs.

  1. Question: Is Hope Fluent regulated?

  1. Answer: Yes, Hope Fluent is regulated in Saint Lucia, providing a secure and compliant trading environment.

Broker Information

Company Name

Hope Fluent Ltd

Company Abbreviation

Hope Fluent

Regulatory Status

Domestic Regulation

Platform registered country and region

Saint Lucia

Company website
Phone of the company










Company address
  • The Sotheby Building Rodney Bay Gros-Islet Saint Lucia.









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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more than one year
The service was outstanding. Deposit and withdraw very fast. Bonus 100% limited to 500 USD, it's better to increase the amount limited bonus.
2024-04-17 13:38
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